S2/E2: Interlude II

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This takes place around the same time as the end of The Circus. Enjoy!

At Blitzø's house, Y/n and said Imp are seen on the couch asleep. However, Y/n slowly stirs awake and looks down to see Blitzø asleep with his face in the prince's chest. Y/n shakes his head a bit before picking Blitzø up as he stands from the couch and makes his way to Blitzø's bedroom.

Once inside, he sets the sleeping Imp down on his bed and goes to walk off, only for something to grab his arm and making him stop. Y/n turns to see holding onto his arm, and worried expression on his sleeping face. The hybrid sighs and gently pulls Blitzø's hand from his arm before placing a hand on his head, calming him down.

Y/n: "Rest well, Blitzø."

And with that, Y/n walked off and left the room, quietly closing the bedroom door behind him as Blitzø grabs a stuffed animal horse and holds it closely to his chest. Y/n sighs as he walks away, heading his way back to Loona's room to go back to sleep. However, as he walks by a window, he looks out and sees the pentagram moon up above. He then sighs as he knows what he has to do.

Soon, Y/n had left Blitzø and Loona's home and is seen flying through the air. He flies through the sky, powered by each flap of his wings. He soon nears his destination: the Goetia Palace.

He quickly flies down and to the entrance where he lands right on the stairs. The reincarnated prince approaches the front door and rings the doorbell. He waits a moment before the doors open to reveal a small Imp butler.

Imp Butler: "How may I help you?"

Y/n: "Yes, hi. I'm Y/n Morningstar. I would like to see Stolas."

Imp Butler: "Morningstar? My, it has been some time since you have last visited the Goetias."

Y/n: "Yeah. Reincarnation is a pain, isn't it?"

Imp Butler: "I would assume so. You may come in, your highness. Master Stolas is in his chambers."

Y/n: "Thank you."

Y/n smiles at the Imp and steps inside the palace, and the Imp closes the door behind him. The butler walks off to do whatever else he has to do as Y/n walks off and into the palace, using his magic to locate Stolas.

The prince of Hell makes his way through the palace as he tries to reach Stolas. However, he accidently bumps into someone as he turns a corner and stumbles back.

Y/n: "I'm sorry, I wasn't look--"

Stella: "Watch where you're going, you little--!"

Both of Hell's royalty stops when they see who they bumped into, and their eyes go wide with surprise.

Stella: "Y/n Morningstar? You're back in Hell?"

Y/n: "Oh, great. It's you."

Almost immediately, Stella composes herself from he earlier enraged self and puts on a smile as she gets an idea.

Stella: "Well, well, well. You're looking well, your highness."

Y/n wanted to barf. Why was Stella talking to him like that?

Y/n: "Thank you, Stella. Now would you please excuse me? I have to go see Stolas."

Y/n tries to walk past the much taller Goetia princess, only for his arm to be grabbed and he gets pulled closer to Stella. He scowls at her.

Stella: "What's the rush, Y/n? Can't we talk~?"

Y/n almost audibly gagged at this. What was Stella trying to do? Y/n didn't like the idea that came to his mind.

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