S1/E11: Interlude I

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At an unknown location in Hell, presumably the Pride Ring, a man is sitting in a chair. A TV sat in front of him, showing an advertisement for the Happy Hotel. The man was tossing and catching something round as his smile never left his pale white face. A door opens behind him and an Imp servant walks up to his master.

Imp Servant: "My lord, I have come with news.

The man doesn't spare a glance at the Imp as he speaks.

???????: "And that news is?"

Imp Servant: "The sword you had sent to Wrath a month ago has been pulled out from the ground, sire."

This caught the man's attention as he catches the object one last time, no longing tossing it into the air to reveal it to be a juicy red apple. He finally glances back at the Imp.

???????: "Are you sure?"

Imp Servant: "Y-yes, sire. The one you hired to watch it saw it with her own eyes. She said that a pillar of fire shot from the earth and everyone ran away."

???????: *grins* "Wonderful! I want you to contact her."

Imp Servant: "The Imp you hired, my lord?"

???????: "No. Her. You know who."

The Imp looked confused for a moment before he realizes who his master was talking about.

Imp Servant: "O-of course, sire. I'll put her through to you."

???????: "Thank you. You may leave."

Imp Servant: "Yes, your majesty."

The Imp bows before turning and walking away. Once he leaves the room, the man's grin became even wider as he lifts the apple to his mouth.

???????: "I wonder if you're truly the real deal... Y/n Morningstar."

He finally takes a bite of the apple in his hand, instantly making it rot away as it turns to dust in his palm.


Meanwhile, behind the IMP building, Loona leans against the wall as she scrolls through Voxtagram. She waits, bored, as she waits for someone to arrive.

"Hey. You said you needed to talk to me?"

Loona looks up from her phone to see Vortex approaching her. This makes the Hellhound girl push off the wall and face Verosika's bodyguard.

Loona: "Hey. Didn't think you'd show."

Vortex: "You asked for me, didn't you? So what's up?"

Loona digs into her pocket and takes out what she was looking for before tossing it at Vortex.

Loona: "This is what's up."

Vortex catches the object and opens his hand to see a bottle of red pills.

Vortex: "Drugs? You on something, Loona?"

Loona: "Nope. I'm actually trying to figure out what those are, though."

She points to the bottle of pills in Vortex's hand.

"Think you can help me out?"

Vortex nods in confirmation and raises the pill bottle to his eye-level to read the label. It takes him a few moments, but his eyes finally widen in realization.

Vortex: "These are Demon suppressants."

Loona: "Demon what?"

Vortex: "Demon suppressants. Hellborns who can't control their Demon Form take these to take the wheel back and make sure they don't go on a frenzy in the streets. How the fuck did you get these? They're expensive."

Loona walks up to Vortex and takes the bottle to look at it. The pills inside glow briefly before returning to normal.

Loona: "From Y/n's house."

Vortex: "What?"

Loona: "A couple of weeks ago, me and Y/n went topside to get some stuff from his house. I found these and snuck 'em back here to learn what they are. Guess I finally do."

Vortex: "But... why would a Human need Demon suppressants?"

Loona: "I don't know..."

Loona says before she grips the pill bottle tightly.

"... but sooner or later, I'm going to find out."

The Hellhound looks up to the floor where IMP was stationed. Inside the office was Y/n. He was in the break room with M&M. The married Imps were sitting at the table eating their lunch while Y/n was on the couch, a half-eaten burrito in his hand as he looks through his gallery on his phone. He stops when he comes across a picture of him and his parents. He narrows his now yellow eyes at the last picture he took with his parents before those government agents killed them.

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