S1/E14: Love

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Right after the events of the last chapter, in Hell, Moxxie and Millie have left the boardroom, as did Stolas and Blitzø did to have sex. However, Loona had kept Y/n behind for a special reason. That reason?

Loona: "We need to talk... about that kiss."

Y/n: "Then, by all means, let's talk."


Loona held her arms crossed over her chest as Y/n leaned on the table.

Y/n: "But I don't really know what there is to talk about. The kiss kinda made everything pretty obvious."

Loona: "I know that! It's just...! It's just, I haven't had the best experiences with... this stuff in the past."

Y/n: "What's that supposed to mean?"

Loona: "I've been... used before. Toyed with. Many times. It's why I'm not very trusting towards people... and why I act weirdly around you sometimes."

Y/n: "Loona... I would never use you. You know that."

Loona: "I know that. It's just... hard."

Y/n looks at Loona as the Hellhound was rubbing her arm nervously. However, he only smiles as he gets off the table and walks up to her.

Y/n: "Isn't anything worth having hard? That's what makes it worth it, right?"

He offers his hand to the Hellborn who looks at it. Then she looks up at Y/n's new wings and halo before looking at his face. It held a smile. Not his usual happy, goofy smile. It was a kind, loving smile that he always looked at Loona with, and she loved it. She took Y/n's hand as she smiled back.

Loona: "Right. But... what does that make us?"

Y/n: "Whatever you want, Loo."

Loona smiles as she leans in close to Y/n.

Loona: "I want... us."

Y/n smiles a little more at this as he and Loona close their eyes. Then they lean in towards each other before their lips connect and they begin to kiss. However, a blue light shines around them and Y/n opens his eyes and pills away as he sees Loona as a Human.

Y/n: "What are you...?"

Loona: "I-I just thought that it would be easier for you to do this kind of stuff with... someone like you, y'know?"

Y/n: "Heheh. Loona, I love you just the way you are. I don't want you to be pretending to be anything for me to like you. I already do."

Loona looks at Y/n for a moment before she gets rid of her Human disguise and kisses him again. Even though their mouths and lips were different shapes and sizes, the kiss seemed basically perfect to them. Then Loona pulled away with a smirk.

Loona: "Then you're going to get all of me."

Y/n: "Hm?"

Almost immediately, the Hellhound smashed her lips against Y/n's in a fiery passion. This catches Y/n off-guard as he almost falls over, but he keeps himself up and kisses back with closed eyes. He gives as much passion as Loona was giving him, and he ended up pinning Loona against the wall as their kiss evolves into a heated makeout session. Their tongues were battling for dominance as they kissed and Y/n ran his hands across Loona's fur-covered skin. She shuddered and quietly moaned at his touch, especially when the Demon-Human Hybrid ran his hands under her shirt and shorts. However, she wouldn't let Y/n beat her like that.

Loona: *in between kisses* "Think... you can... beat me... like that?" *soft moan* "Fuck... I don't... think so."

She began to run her own hands under Y/n's shirt, feeling his built muscles underneath and smiled to herself. Then she ran her claws down his chest and back, leaving a light trail of scratches which makes the Hybrid grit his teeth and let out a groan. Loona liked the sound and ran her claws across Y/n's skim again, only adding a bit more pressure this time.

Y/n: *in between kisses* "Dammit..."

He groans again, but Loona wasn't done. She looks at Y/n's wings and pulled one of her hands out from underneath his shirt. She reaches for it and pulls at the blonde's new wings, specifically at a handful of black feathers, without pulling anything off. Y/n gasps and Loona takes advantage of this to overpower Y/n. She succeeds and her tongue freely feels around its new territory: the insides of Y/n's mouth. They then eventually pull away for oxygen and look at each other with blushes, heavily breathing, and with a string of saliva connecting their lips before it falls and breaks apart.

Y/n: *panting* "That... was... dirty."

Loona: *panting* "All is... fair in... love and war."

Loona smirks at Y/n who grins back. Then the Hellhound used her tongue to lick Y/n's face, leaving some slobber on his face. Not that he minded. He found it strangely hot, but he was rather confused.

Y/n: "Did you just doggy kiss me?"

Loona: "That's not all I'm gonna "doggy kiss" tonight, if you know what I mean?"

Loona giggles seductively as she tugs at Y/n's pants. The Hybrid immediately knew what his new lover meant and grins seductively at the Hellborn Hellhound.

Y/n: "Maybe I do, maybe I don't. Wanna go back to my room at the Happy Hotel and find out?'

Loona: "Why not my place?"

Y/n: "Your dad would kill me if he saw me in bed with you. We're on good terms right now. I don't want him shooting at me."

Loona: "Fine. I guess I can open a portal to the Happy Hotel."

Y/n smiles at this and kisses Loona on the cheek. She smiles at the touch and goes to prepare a portal to the Happy Hotel, but not before giving a hard smack on Y/n's butt with a smirk. He chuckles and rubs it a bit as Loona opens the Grimoire and sketches a Demonic star on the wall. It crumbles away in a burst of fire to reveal Y/n's room.

Y/n walks up to it and takes Loona's hand as they both step through the flaming portal.

Y/n: "It feels great to be back here again."

He says as he plops back down on his bed with a happy smile. Then he sits up when he hears Loona clear her throat and looks up at her to see...

 Then he sits up when he hears Loona clear her throat and looks up at her to see

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(I'm really pushing my luck here with this...)

Loona: "Mind helping me... baby~"

Y/n looks at Loona for a moment with a growing blush before smirking and pushing himself off the bed.

Y/n: "I don't see why not, Loo~"

And with that, Y/n and Loona went on to have a wonderful night together full of love and pleasure.


I hope the "fluff" was written well enough in this chapter.

Next time, Y/n is gonna explain everything! See ya!

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