S1/E20: Queen Bee (Season Finale)

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In the Gluttony Ring, a massive party was going on in a giant mansion. Inside, a band was playing loud music as both Hellhounds and Imps were all partying inside. They drank alcohol and ate, and all talked to each other as a bunch of people danced.

Up on one of the upper balconies, a former reincarnation of Y/n is seen leaning over the railing as he watched the party going on below. This Y/n did look different from his present reincarnation, with pure white skin and prominently red cheeks. His blonde hair was much longer, reaching down to his shoulders, with two goat-like horns protruding from his hair. His wings were also more leathery, like bat or dragon wings, instead of feathery. He wore a black jacket over a red t-shirt, ripped jeans, and his favorite pair of shoes. He also wore a snake necklace around his neck.

???: "Hahaha! Can you believe how hyped this party is, man?!

Y/n turns around to see a rather tall demoness approaching him. She's a tall, fox-like demoness who also took on some insect aspects, with a colorful look to her. Her hair also flowed like it had its own gravity to it, similar to honey.

Y/n: "Haha, yeah

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Y/n: "Haha, yeah. It sure is, Bee."

Bee, or more commonly known as Beelzebub, was the Sin of Gluttony. She threw the wildest parties in all Nine Rings of Hell, and Y/n helped every-so-often.

Bee: "Thanks for helping out, N/n. A party ain't the same without you."

Y/n: "Thanks for letting me come. It's nice to finally have some time away from my wife..."

Bee: "Oh, yeah, you're married now. I keep forgetting. How's that going?"

Y/n: "Same as always..."

Y/n grumbles as he crosses his arms.

Y/n: "So glad that bitch went on a vacation with her family. Finally have some time to myself."

Bee: "You do know I can kill her, right? Won't be too difficult, either."

Y/n: "Nah, it's fine, Queenie. I can handle her myself. Besides, gotta keep the "peace between families" and whatnot."

Y/n said in annoyance, which Bee immediately noticed. She then summoned a cup full of her alcoholic honey beverage, Beezlejuice, offering it to her little brother figure.

Bee: "Well, while you're here... might as well indulge, yeah?"

Y/n smiles as he takes the cup and takes a sip of it.

Y/n: "Couldn't have said it better myself."

Bee: "Fuck yeah, baby. We are getting fucked tonight!"

Bee declared as she took the to air and spun around once. Y/n smiled at his best friend's excitement and took another swig of his beer. That's when he remembers something, snapping his fingers in realization.

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