S2/E4: Forgotten Lovers (🍋)

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You ready, readers? It's gonna get spicy in this chapter! And in more ways than one. Oh, and good luck with NNN 😈

Happy One Year Anniversary, sinners~ 😈😈😈

It's been about two weeks since Stolas and IMP went to Earth and got Octavia back. Since then, things have been calm and going well. There's been no crazy people trying to kill IMP or Stolas, Y/n and Loona's relationship has been going good, and the Happy Hotel has been doing successful so far. No one has been sent to Heaven just yet, but Charlie has faith and Y/n has faith in his sister. However, there was something that was going to happen today. Well, a few things were going to happen, but let's start small first, shall we?

Vaggie is by herself in her and Charlie's shared room in the hotel. She was looking at herself in the mirror, hyping herself up for what she was about to do.

Vaggie: "Alright, Vagatha, you can do this. He won't get mad at you for keeping this a secret, right?"

Vaggie smiled at her own reflection, only for it to drop and she holds her face in her hands

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Vaggie smiled at her own reflection, only for it to drop and she holds her face in her hands. She groans.

Vaggie: "Nope. I'm still nervous." *uncovers face* "Might as well just get this over with sooner rather than later."

With that, Vaggie left the bathroom in her room and made her way towards the door. She opens it, only for her eye to widen when she sees Y/n right outside with his fist raised to knock.

Y/n: "Oh. Well, that's convenient."

Vaggie: "Y-Y/n? What-what are you doing here?"

Y/n: "I was actually going to see if Charlie was in here. Is she?"

Vaggie: "No, she's actually in her office working."

Y/n: "Oh, well, thank you, Vaggie. I guess I'll just have to wait then, huh? See ya!"

Y/n waves at Vaggie and turns to leave, but the Moth Demon panics and reaches out to grab his arm.

Vaggie: "W-wait!"

Y/n stops and turns back to look at Vaggie.

Y/n: "Yes?"

Vaggie: "I-I actually have something I need to... talk to you about."

Y/n: "Oh? Is this you asking me for advice for dating my sister? 'Cause, if so, you're out of luck."

Vaggie: "No, no, no. It's not about that. Me and Charlie are actually doing pretty good. This is about... you and me."

Y/n: "What?"

Vaggie: "Look, it's gonna be a bit weird, but I'm gonna need you to trust and listen to me, okay?"

Y/n looked at Vaggie weirdly for a moment before nodding.

Y/n: "Alright. Let's talk."

Vaggie: *sighs* "Thank you."

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