S2/E5: The Pressure of Truth

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It has only been moments since Helsa had barged into the Happy Hotel, marched into Y/n's room after him and Loona had sex, and declared that she was his wife. In those mere moments, it had been shocked silence from the sudden news. Then Y/n's glowing eyes narrowed as he suddenly appeared in front of Helsa, scowling heavily as he grabbed a handful of her hair and pressed his burning sword against her neck.

Y/n: "Who the fuck do you think you are, coming in here with such a claim?"

Helsa: "Oh, I love it when you grab my hair, prince charming~"

Y/n: "I'll do more than grab your fuck ugly hair, bitch, if you don't get out of my home this instant."

Helsa: "Awwww! It seems you don't remember me, baby. I can help with that if you want~"

Loona: "The fuck you think you're doing you wig bitch?"

Loona asks, standing up as she growls and snarls at Helsa. The van Eldritch immediately looks bored at this and rolls her eyes before turning to Loona.

Helsa: "Look, how about you go ahead and chew a bone or something, mutt?"

Loona: "How about I chew on your ugly ass face instead?"

Helsa: "How about you leave us be and go lick yourself, bitch?"

Y/n growled this time as horns started to protrude from his forehead, and his teeth became noticeably sharper.

Y/n: "How about you leave before I peel your scalp off?"

Helsa: "Excuse me?"

Y/n: "You heard me, octopus head."

Helsa looked at Y/n oddly with a confused scowl before Charlie appeared from nowhere and pushed the two away from each other. Both looked at her in confusion as she looked a bit nervous.

Charlie: "Okay! So I know everything is a bit tense right now, but if we can all settle down real quick, that would be grand. 'Kay?"

Y/n: "Charlie? Who is this crazy woman?!"

Helsa: "The only thing I'm crazy about is you, baby~"

Y/n growls at Helsa, but Charlie gets in front of him and holds him back.

Charlie: "How about we all calm down, yeah?"

Loona: "How the fuck are we supposed to calm down after this bitch just barged in on us after having sex?!"

Charlie: "OH! Well, uh..."

Charlie became a lot more nervous after realizing that both her brother and his girlfriend were both naked. She immediately grew an embarrassed blush and averted her eyes.

Charlie: "How about you guys get dressed? After that, you can come downstairs and I can explain, yeah?"

Y/n looked at Charlie before turning to Helsa who had a smirk on her face. This made the prince of Hell growl for a moment before lowering his sword and turning to Loona. He motioned with his head to do as Charlie said and she nodded, and Y/n turned to Helsa with a heavy scowl.

Y/n: "Get. Out."

Helsa looked at her supposed husband before clicking her teeth and smirking as she turns away.

Helsa: "Alright. Ta-ta! See you downstairs, baby~"

Y/n growled as his hair flared up and his horns grew out completely as Helsa walked away with a strut, swaying her hips back and forth to give Y/n a good view of her butt. However, this only causes the prince to be more angry than anything else. However, she eventually leaves the room and Y/n turns back to Charlie.

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