S1/E9: Harvest Moon Festival (Part 1)

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^^ Aka, whenever she's around Y/n.

At early at the Happy Hotel, it was still dark out as no Sun, or Hell's equivalent, was up. Everyone was still sound asleep in their respective rooms. As of lately, the hotel has had no guests, both for their redemption program and for just to stay the night. It put Charlie down slightly, but both Vaggie and Y/n helped lift her spirits every time she needed it.

Speaking of one of the strangely similar blondes with rosey cheeks, Y/n is seen sleeping in his hotel room bed. However, at a closer look, he wasn't sleeping soundly at all. It wasn't as if he was having a nightmare, or any sort of dream, it was just as if he couldn't stay asleep. And then he opened his eyes, revealing their strange black irises and sickly yellow sclera. However, once he sits up, Y/n's eyes fade back to their normal (E/C) eyes and the blonde rubs his eyes sleepily.

Y/n: "Yay... One of these nights..."

Y/n says sarcastically before he turns and slips out of his bed. He slides his feet into his slippers before yawning and stretching. Then he walks over to his door and leaves him room, walking down the hallway and down a few sets of stairs before he makes it into the lobby area. Y/n then walks over to the dinning area and over to the bar counter.

Y/n: "Thank you, Husk, for letting me have free use of the kitchen and bar."

Y/n says as he pushes past the short swinging door for the bar counter and walks behind the counter. It was too early for any alcohol, and even if it wasn't, Y/n wasn't much a drinker to begin with. He would drink on occasion, such as to celebrate or when he wants to hang with friends at a bar, but it was not the time for that. So he crouched down to the mini-fridge under the counter and opens it to see sodas, other bottled alcoholic beverages, and some water. The rose-cheeked Human reaches for a water bottle and takes it out as he stands and closes the mini-fridge door. He unscrews the bottle cap and begins to drink the water.

After a few moments of chugging down the bottle's contents, he stops halfway and puts the cap back on. He turns to head back to his room, bottle in hand, before he suddenly stops and yelps in surprise when he comes face-to-face with a sharp spearhead.

Y/n: "AH!"


The spearhead lowers and Y/n turns his attention to its owner, who was actually Vaggie in her nightwear. Both had confused looks on their faces.

Y/n and Vaggie: "What are you doing up so early?"

The Human and Demon look at each other before...

"I asked you first."

They spoke again in unison, making them sigh before laughing.

Vaggie: 'How do we always end up doing this?'

Vaggie asks herself before she notices Y/n slippers.

Vaggie asks herself before she notices Y/n slippers

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