S1/E2: Y/n Morningstar: The Helping Hand

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At night, in a fancy house somewhere in (city name), a group of rich men are seen together as a man stood on a stage in front of them. He was preforming for them, wearing an entertainer's outfit with a top hat and a mask that covers only part of his face, revealing one his (E/C) eyes.

All the men cheered for the entertainer as he had pulled off a trick.

Entertainer: "Thank you, thank you! Now, are you all ready for my grande finale?"

All Men: *drunk* "Yeah!"

Entertainer: "Great! And here it is!"

The man reaches into his suit and pulls out two things: a bag and an AK-47. The men all laugh, believing the gun to be a fake since no one could get into the party with one on them. However, the (E/C)-eyed entertainer only smirks.

Entertainer: "Now, for my great, big finale!"

He tosses the bag to one of the drunk men who catches it and looks at it in confusion. Then the entertainer raises his AK-47 into the air, aiming it at the ceiling before letting out a few shots from the barrel.

Entertainer: "Put all your money and valuables in the bag."

The men, all drunk and terrified for their lives, do as they're told and they begin to pour their money into the bag, along with their valuables. Then one certain man went to put his stuff in, but the entertainer stopped him.

Entertainer: "Oh. Hey. Aren't you that Morris Martin guy?"

The man looks up at the entertainer who steps down from the stage and aims his gun at him.

Morris: *drunk* "Y-yeah... Why?"

Entertainer: "Cool. My employer said he wanted you to have some special treatment."

Morris: *smiles in hope* "O-oh...?"

Entertainer: *smirks* "Yeah!"

He aims the gun at the man's legs and shot at his right leg. He screams in pain before the stage performer spins his gun around and hits Morris in the face with the butt of it. Morris falls to the ground, crying in pain as blood leaked from his legs and a lump formed on his head. The people around them cried out in shock as they all stepped down.

Entertainer: "He said that he didn't want your money, just seeing you hurt is enough."

He takes out his phone and snaps a picture of the hurting Morris. Then he collects the bag which seemed to be full enough and looks at his audience.

Entertainer: "I must say, it was wonderful to perform for you all, but I must depart. Adieu!"

With that, the entertainer walked out of the room and made his way out of the large mansion. He walks to his car and tosses the bag in the trunk before heading into the driver's seat. He starts the engine and drives off, taking his hat and mask off in the process to reveal a familiar rose-cheeked Human.


In a warehouse of sorts, a man with an eyepatch is seen at a desk looking through some papers. However, a bag is tossed on to his desk and catches his attention. He looks at the bag before looking up to see Y/n in front of him.

 He looks at the bag before looking up to see Y/n in front of him

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