S1/E7: Everything Doesn't Stay (Final Part)

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Twenty Years Ago...

On the Living World, Susan and Ryan L/n are seen in the kitchen at nighttime. They seemed to be discussing something.

Ryan: "Susan, all I'm saying is that he needs some help. I'm not talking about sending him to some... psycho ward!"

Susan: "I know! I know. It's just... he's such a sweet boy. I don't understand why this is happening to him."

Ryan: "Dear, he's being made fun of at school. He has no friends, and the teachers are all saying that he's disrupting class, even though he says he doesn't mean to. I mean... he turned some kid's milk into moose piss! Maybe... there's something wrong with him."

Susan: "Excuse me? What are you implying?"

Ryan: "Look, I still love Y/n as if he were my own flesh and blood, but we have to face the harsh reality. Maybe.... maybe our son is cursed."

Susan: "Y/n is not cursed!"

Susan declares as she narrows her eyes at her husband.

Ryan: "How do you know that? Some monster or Demon, or something else, might be fucking with us, and we won't even know!"

Susan: "I know he isn't cursed because--!... Because his father is--"

"Mommy? Daddy?"

Susan stops what she was saying. Both her and Ryan turn to see a smaller form, being a much younger Y/n was six at the time. His camera only shows his backside, showing the boy to be wearing some pajamas and holding a blanket just slightly bigger than his body. His blonde hair was messy and long, covering his ears as his hair went down slightly below his shoulders.

Susan: "Y/n? What are you doing up so late?"

Y/n: "I heard yelling. Were you and Daddy fighting?"

Ryan: "No, buddy. We were just... discussing things loudly."

Y/n: "Again?"

Susan: "Yeah, sweetie. Again. But you don't need to worry about it."

Y/n: "Was it about me again?"

Susan: "What?"

Y/n: "W-were you... talking about me? About how I am?"

Ryan: "Y/n--"

Ryan steps forward to speak, only for Susan to raise her hand to stop him. She then lowers it as she looks at her son.

Susan: "Yes, we were talking about you and how... "special" you are."

Y/n looks down as he thinks about what his mother said. Then after a small moment of silence passes...

Y/n: "Mommy...?"

Susan: "Yes, sweetie?"

Y/n looks up at his mother with teary eyes, revealing his irises to be black as his sclera was yellow.

"Why are people afraid of me?"

Present Time...

Y/n suddenly shoots up from lying down and begins coughing. This draws the attention of the others in the room as footsteps rush over to him.

"Holy shit! Y/n, are you alright?"

Y/n opens his (E/C) eyes to see Loona in front of him, and as a Hellhound. He looks a bit confused as he sees Blitzø, Moxxie, and Millie behind Loona who then hugs him.

Loona: "I didn't think you'd wake up."

Y/n: "Wh-what's going on? Where are we?"

Y/n asks as Loona lets go of him.

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