S1/E5: Spring Broken (Final Part)

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Y/n: "Alright! I guess you guys get an encore from me!"

The people cheer happily.

Y/n: "But just one more. I'm not the show here."

The crowd gets excited as Y/n grips his microphone. He spots Loona in the crowd again who was smiling at him, looking excited as well as she couldn't wait to hear the Human's voice again. This gave him an idea as he remembered what Verosika told him earlier.

Y/n: "But before we start, I need you all to do something for me!"

The people all cheer in compliance, making Y/n smile.

Y/n: "Give me an "L"!"

Y/n moves his arms to make them look like an "L" as the crowd yells out the letter.

Y/n: "Give me an "O"!"

He makes an "O" with his arms as the crowd cheers the letter like before. However, a particular girl in the audience slowly began to realize what Y/n was doing.

Y/n: "Give me one more "O"!"

He and the crowd repeat their previous action as Loona then realizes what Y/n was indeed doing.

Y/n: "What does that spell?"

Crowd: "Loo!"

Y/n: "I can't hear you!"

Crowd: "LOO!"

Y/n smiles as he hears the crowd yell his nickname for Loona. The blonde then looks at said girl who had a massive blush on her face who he smiles at.

Y/n: "This song is for a very special girl in the crowd today! Give it up for my dear friend Loona!"

Loona: "Oh shit..."

Blitzø, who was bagging another body, suddenly shoots up when he hears that.


Y/n: "Give me a beat!"

Y/n says as a new song starts playing.

(Hate on the movies all you want, I love this song and none of you can stop me from doing this)

🎶 Did I mention that I'm in love with you?
And did I mention there's nothing I can do?
And did I happen to say
I dream of you everyday?
But let me shout it out loud, if that's okay-ay-ay
If that's okay 🎶

Crowd: "Hey!"

Y/n sings as he moves his body back and forth. The crowd claps along to the music as Loona had trouble processing what was happening.

🎶 I met this girl that rocked my world like it's never been rocked
And now I'm living just for her and I won't never stop
I never thought that it could happen to a guy like me
But now look at what you've done, you got me down on my knees 🎶

Y/n rocks his hips back and forth to the beat of the music. Loona then begins to blush as she realizes that the song might be about her. Then he falls to his knees as the crowd sings some parts with him and cheers.

🎶 Because my love for you is ridiculous!
I never knew 🎶

Crowd: "Who knew?"

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