S2/E1: The Circus

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It's finally back, my wonderful readers! Friends...? has returned after the premier of the second season of Helluva Boss! Yippee!

Now, this chapter will not have a whole lot of action (of course) or Y/n due to the fact that I want to world build and keep the plot and character development the show has. Also, I have a thing for backstories. So I hope you all enjoy!

At the Goetia Palace, a young Stolas is seen resting in bed, surrounded by stuffed animals, before he yawns and smacks his lips tiredly. He almost closes his eyes again, wanting to go back to sleep, but his big red eyes shoot open as he realizes something.

Stolas: *sits up* "It's my birthday! It's my birthday!"

The young prince hops from his bed as one of his servants follows him to his dressing room. Stolas cheers with his hands in the air, his excitement clear as day as he steps up on a stool and looks at his reflection in the mirror.

Stolas: "Birthday tiiiime!"

The Imp servant comes up from behind Stolas and takes our a tin of hair gel, which he begins to apply to Stolas' head.

Imp Servant: "Calm yourself, young prince. You know excitement is unbecoming of a Goetia."

Stolas: "Oh! Right."

The young Goetia takes a deep breath to calm hihimself. The butler walks off to retrieve a vest and cape, returning to put them on Stolas.

Stolas: *sparkling eyes* "But Father told me, today is the day. I am old enough to know my purpose and responsibility!"

Imp Servant: "Of course."

He places a crown on Stolas' head.

Imp Servant: "I'm sure it will be wonderful."

Now, after being dressed and ready, Stolas follows the butler out of his dressing room and down a large hallway. The wall is lined with four giant pictures of Stolas at various ages, such as when he was a egg, a hatchling, a toddler, and finally his current age of eleven.

Soon Stolas and the butler stand in front of a large set of double doors, which open to reveal a throne room. A monstrous black demon is seen sitting on the throne before it stands, its form shifting between multiple demonic creatures before he transforms into a more normal, owl-like form. This is Paimon, Stolas' father and King of the Ars Goetia.

The butler walks over to Paimon and stands next to him as Stolas approaches his father.

Paimon: "Ahhh! There is my little, uh..."

Stolas smiles gleefully up at his father. Said king whispers to his butler while pointing at his son.

Paimon: "Which son is this one? There's so fucking many."

Butler: "Stolas, your highness."

Paimon: "Stolas! Yes! Ha! Right, right!" *chuckles* "That's the one! The owl boy."

Paimon says as he walks towards the young Stolas before stopping to stand in front of him. He leans forward, surprising his son.

Paimon: "Well, my little one, it is finally your day of becoming a true part of tbe Goetia Family. How good for you. Are you ready to know what you'll be meant to do to serve Hell?"

Stolas: "Yes, Father!"

Paimon lifts up his hand as he opens some kind of portal, showing off the cosmos to Stolas. Two comets, blue and pink, fly out of the portal and up out of view.

Friends...?《Helluva Boss x Male Reader x Loona》Where stories live. Discover now