S2/E3: Seeing Stars

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A galaxy is seen, the multiple colors blending together to show one of the many beauties of the universe. Stolas' voice is suddenly heard.

Stolas: "In the great expanse of the nether there exists boundless amounts of magnificent phenomenon. The great brilliance of an exploding star, the nimble dance of space dust through a nebula, but once every one thousand years our corner of reality is treated to an incredible sight from the deep eldritch recesses of the cosmos. The tears of a forgotten colossus begin to fall."

Each thing that Stolas mentioned is shown, such as an exploding star and a nebula in deep-space. Then massive floating space rocks are seen before they're covered in brightly colored flames and are sent shooting forward through space.

Stolas: "Tears made of the hopes and dreams of every living thing that never came to be. Condensed and sent shooting across the night sky in a dazzling final display. What appears to mortal beings as a meteor shower, we can see for what it is: Azathoth's Tears."

Stolas is seen telling a young Octavia all of this as he sat with her in her bed.

Young Octavia: *giggles* "Daddy, can we see it someday?"

Stolas: "Yes, dear. I promise, when the day comes, nothing will be able to stop me from being there with you."

Stolas promises his daughter as he tucks her back in bed and kisses her forehead.

Stolas: "Good night, my owlette."

Young Octavia: *yawns* "Good night!"

Octavia tells her father as he leaves. However, instead of falling asleep, Octavia squirms and wiggled around in her bed as she couldn't help but think about Azathoth's Tears.

Present Day...

Octavia, in present day, is seen lying in bed with a happy face

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Octavia, in present day, is seen lying in bed with a happy face. She then hops out from her bed and walks up to a calander and crosses off a day before circling another that had a drawing of her face, Stolas' face, and a meteor shower, showing that today was the day Azathoth's Tears would fall. Then Octavia quickly gets dressed and hops down a hallway as she puts on her boot.

(It's literally a stark contrast to how she was introduced in season 1, and I'm loving it. Also, I'm loving the little consistencies with showing Octavia as a kid before showing her present day self and showing her off in the second episode. Anyway, back to the story)

Octavia: "Hey, Dad!"

She looks into the kitchen, only to not see her father there. So she goes around the rest of the manor to look for Stolas, only to not find him. Octavia then looks over at an open foyer door and hears Stolas' voice.

Stolas: "Yes, I know!"

Outside, Stolas was out front on the phone with Stella as he was squeezing a servant in his other hand. Other Imp servants were loading items into a moving van with the help of Y/n.

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