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Blitzø shoots his shotgun at the TV, utterly rendering it to scrap and bolts

Millie: "Nice work, B!"

Blitzø: "Get me another, Mox."

The tall Imp orders his employee who walks up to the broken TV, swipes it aside, and places a nearby identical TV in its place. He turns it on to reveal 666 News.

Blitzø: "Not feelin' it. Next!"

Moxxie changes it to what seemed to be Hell's version of Betty Boop.

Blitzø: "Keep going, keep going."

Moxxie listens as he changes the channel once again to reveal an Imp taller than Blitzø on the screen. He was talking about contraptions and invention and whatnot, but before Blitzø could shoot...

Y/n: "Hey, guys! I'm here!"

Y/n says as he walks into the boardroom. However, Blitzø changes his aim and fires at Y/n who narrowly dodges the gunfire. The loud noise wakes Loona up who was sleeping. She turns to see Y/n on the floor from ducking and new bullet holes in the wall.

Loona: *angry* "Blitzø!"

Blitzø: *lowering gun* "What?"

Loona: "Stop! Trying! To shoot! Y/n!"

Blitzø: "... well, in my defense, he just looks very shootable."

Y/n stands back to his feet as he dusts himself off and smiles.

Y/n: "Welp, good thing I chose to be your clean-up crew, or I would be shot at a lot more."

Blitzø: "I still don't like you, pretty boy."

Y/n: "Yeah, I know. Anyways, how is everyone else?"

Y/n asked his new co-workers as he sat down next to Loona and leaned against her. Everyone gave their respective answer.

Loona: *happy* "Pretty good."

M&M: "Good."

Blitzø: "... meh."

Suddenly everything started to shake, catching everyone by surprise as they look around.

Loona: "Uh, you guys feel that, too, right?"

Blitzø: "Oh, shit. Is that a Hellshake?"

Y/n and Moxxie: "Is that even a thing/possible?"

The Imp and Human asked in unison as they stood up with Millie and Loona.

Millie: "Okay, stay calm. There's no need to panic, Moxxie!"

The Imp tells her husband who looked confused.

Moxxie: "I am calm. Because Hellshakes don't happen."

Loona: "Stop getting hysterical, fatty! You making Y/n panic!"

Y/n: "What? No, I'm no--Moxxie!"

Loona smacks Moxxie with enough force to send him to the wall. Then suddenly, a ball of wires and mechanical tentacles busts through the wall, making Moxxie lie under a pile of rubble as a tall man leaped inside.

 Then suddenly, a ball of wires and mechanical tentacles busts through the wall, making Moxxie lie under a pile of rubble as a tall man leaped inside

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