Recreating the moment

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Tikki's POV

I open my eyes to the dimly lit space. I feel panick rise in me as I struggle to move, but then quickly realized Plagg's arms are still tightly wrapped around me from the night before.

My face turns red. When had we gotten into this position? I must have been exhausted because everything from the night before seems fuzzy.

I turn my attention to Plagg. He's absolutely gorgeous. His black hair is a complete mess, and his scratches are still healing from the previous battle but he still manages to look handsome.

I find the memorable scar on the right side of his cheek. Memories flood my head as I close my eyes to envision it. The invasion of the Egyptian empire.

A period in time where Kwami's walked the earth in human form to bring advancements to civilizations. Plagg was the leader of the Egyptian military. Images of him fighting appear in my mind as I recall the spear that cut his cheek open.

I healed him for the most part, leaving nothing but a thin scar tracing the middle of his cheek. My hand reaches out and touches the scar, tracing from the middle of his cheek, and leading behind his ear.

A few moments later I feel him stir and his eyes flutter open. My fingers still linger on his cheek, barely tracing the mark as he reaches up and presses my hand to his face.

"Morning Sugarcube," he says in a deeper voice. Even his morning voice was hotter than usual.

"Good morning" I smile, resting my head back down on his chest. Taking in the rare moment of peace.

He smirks and we sit in a comfortable silence for a bit longer before I decide to get up. I unwrap my arms from his and roll back over to my side of the bed.

"Come baaaaaack" he whines. I crack a smile at his outburst and check the clock.

"It's 10:30 am in the mortal world" I say before leaning back into his touch.

Plagg doesn't say anything. He pulls me even closer, settling into the crook of my neck.

"If I have to be here for a hundred years, you're the only one I want to wake up with," Plagg whispers, tickling my neck.

My face heats up and I turn around, shifting towards him face to face. My eyes

"What are we going to do today?" Plagg ponders.

"We've only been here for a few days and we've already run out of things to do" I complain.
"How are we going to survive a century?"

"Don't remind me" Plagg sighs.

"Singing!" I suggest.

"No" he immediately shuts down






"That's fine" he agrees. Plagg and I used to paint a lot in ancient Egypt, well before the Romans invaded them. At the time, we were allowed to walk the earth in our human form.

I stand up and create 2 canvases out of magic. I make 2 pallets of colors with lots of variety to choose from. Then, I make each different sized brushes with different bristles.

Next thing I know, Plagg is eagerly by my side with a paintbrush in his hand. He sets his canvas on the easel and looks back to me smiling.

Stuck in the void: A Plikki Story Where stories live. Discover now