Does it Scare you?

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Plagg's POV

Sometimes I question if things are really happening. Or maybe I just made it up in my head.

"No this is happening," The other side of me says.

I try my best to suppress "it." But some days are harder than others.

"Don't even bother," It laughs.

I hear the sound of destruction ringing in my ears. And that's how it always starts.

"Does it scare you?" It asks me.

Does what scare me?

"That maybe you are as psychotic as you fear? So mentally ill that you can't tell the difference between reality and illusion?"

It terrifies me.

When I don't hear a response I open my eyes to the familiar Agreste home. I sit up from Adrien's bed, but there's no Agreste boy to be found.

Taking notice to my human hands, I narrow my eyes at my surroundings. Everything looks right? The collection of camembert cheese in the drawer?

I walk over to the drawer, grabbing the handle as my hands glides through it. My eyes widen and I stumble back in shock. I pull myself off the floor, as questions race through my mind.

"This is all an illusion," I say out loud as realization hits me like a brick.

I'm not in Adrien's house. There's no cheese. Worst of all? I'm still sealed in the miraculous.

But..if Tikki's not here, then who created this? It surely couldn't have been me? I don't have that kind of power. Do I?

"It was me," My conscience voices.

Go away. You started all of this.

"But you need me. Who else has kept you company all those years you were sealed away?"

I don't need you anymore. I have Tikki.

"And now she's out of the picture."

Because of you! I left to protect her from you!

It goes quiet and I sigh, collapsing back down on Adrien's bed.

"How fucked up am I?" I sigh, running a hand through my hair.

I decide to leave. No point in staying if it's all an illusion. Leaving me to ponder, did my conscience really make this?

I walk out of the front door, to be met with the endless void in front of me. I glance back to Adrien's house to find it gone. Completely vanished.

"Okay now you're just harassing me!" I scream out at the top of my lungs.

"Or maybe it's all in your head?" It says.

My eyes widen and I realize, maybe I am fucked up.

It's been months without seeing her. Tikki. The name brings a painful blow to my chest, particularly my heart, every time
it crosses mind. The conscience in my mind has woken me up to Tikki many times, every one being an illusion.

A part of me questions every time if maybe I am creating it. An illusion of what I really desire to see, or in this case, whom.

Another part of me is convinced it's my conscience, or maybe even the miraculous. Every time ends the same.

"Plagg?" I hear a voice behind me, knowing exactly who it is.

I slowly turn around, walking towards Tikki, stopping dangerously close to her face.

Stuck in the void: A Plikki Story Where stories live. Discover now