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Plagg's POV

Once again, another perfectly good date ruined by the one and only...Plagg! I feel terrible that I just can't give Tikki the perfect date. After everything I've put her through, she no doubt deserves it. I know I don't deserve her....

After my mini anxiety session, I released the mirage. The image quickly disappeared, leaving the endless empty void in its place. Tikki was so exhausted, I picked her up and gently set her on our bed.

"I'm not tired" I sigh. Sleep feels impossible right now so I decide to walk around for a bit.
I'm not afraid of getting lost either, I know my way around the void. This isn't the first time I've been sealed inside...

I keep walking, paying no attention where I'm going. I think about everything, contemplating life. I think about Tikki, Adrien, Marinette, Master, the other Kwami's, and the reoccurring thought that keeps bothering me. Who will our next holders be?

Will they be just as nice as Marinette? Will they give me me cheese like Adrien? Will they be good superhero's? I shake my head and decide to take a break. There's no point of stressing over something you can't control.

I conjure a light and turn behind me. The tiny image of Tikki looks like a tiny dot so far away. I sit down and eat some cheese. Cheese has always helped me, but of course I wouldn't ever tell anyone else that. I stuff my emotions down with the cheese, it helps numb the pain. I conjure a lake to distract my self from my thoughts, sitting down at the dock with my legs dangling off edge.

But of course, I start thinking again. What am I going to do? I have a girlfriend now, when I can barley handle myself. Don't get me wrong, I love Tikki but I know I can't ever give her what she truly deserves.

Especially with those anxiety and panic attacks. I used to get them maybe once a month, now I get them every week! Being sealed has definitely driven me crazy.

"What are you doing all the way out here?" An all too familiar voice startles me.

"Just decided to go for a walk" I respond.

"You do realize you've walked at least a mile away from our bed" she sits down next to me.

"Just thinking" I shrug. I hope she doesn't think I'm being short with her but she did interrupt my own time.

"Oh okay" Tikki drops the subject and turns to gaze at the lake. I'm really sure what to say next so I just stayed silent.

"A few hours ago by the lake, when you were...stressed. I used my magic to tap into your mind to calm you down." She says hesitantly.

My head snaps towards her. "You did what?" I narrow my eyes.

"I felt your emotions." She admits. "I was curious"

"I know but that's not your business!" I say, running a hand through my hair.

"I was just trying to help!" Tiki defends.

"Yes! But you know I wouldn't have wanted you to do that. You took advantage of me in a situation where you knew I was messed up" I say with frustration.

I hate raising my voice at her, but I don't need her snooping through my mind. I should probably just leave, I don't want to yell at her anymore. Besides, it's obvious she feels guilty.

"Listen Plagg, you've been hiding yourself for millennium. You have to face it and overcome it, that's why it keeps coming back!" She says exasperated.

It's just best if I walk away. I ignore her and stand up furiously leaving before anything escalates anymore.

"Plagg! Come back! Quit covering everything up with a fake smile, and just be happy!" She yells.

I quickly spin around.

"Happy?! How could I ever be happy stuck in this place with you!" I scream. I regret it as soon as the words left my mouth.

"Well I didn't choose to be here, I was dragged into this by you!" Tikki yells back, implying the situation is my fault. I know it is, but she doesn't have to rub it in after denying it a few hours ago.

I falter. "Fine then, if I'm such a disease to you, I'll just leave."

"Fine then," Tikki stiffens and I watched her watery eyes soften. I feel disgusting for everything I said, but right now, I just want to be alone. I sigh and start walking again but this time, I wasn't coming home.

Eventually, I look back and see Tikki still facing me, eyeing me down intently. Even though she looks like a little speck in the distance, my cat senses enhance my sight and hearing.

I create my own house and walked inside, making sure to slam the door. I sigh, putting my head in my hands as I let my body sink into the couch.

What am I going to do? I lost the only thing that keeps me sane. A free tears fall without my permission as I'm flooded with many different emotions mostly consisting of regret.
This is going to be a lot harder than I thought.

900 words. The next chapter will be longer. I usually try to go for closer to 1000 words each chapter. Have a great day!

Stuck in the Void: A Plikki Story Where stories live. Discover now