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Chapter 6

"Plagg..." I mumble. What kind of effect does he have on me?

"I love you" he mumbles before slowly leaning back and looking away.

My heart begins racing even faster. I look out towards the sparkling lake and attempt to remember the last time I've heard those three words. It's been at least a few decades.

I look back to him and I can feel his heart is racing too. Reaching, for his hand he glances back to me with softer eyes than before.

"I love you too" I say, genuinely smiling for the first time in forever.

"As if that wasn't obvious," Plagg smirks as my antennas drop.

"Way to ruin the moment" I playfully narrow my eyes with a sly smile.

He leaned closer to me again and I mentally prepared myself for another kiss. Right when I thought he was going to kiss me, he turned his face and kissed my cheek.

I narrowed my eyes at Plagg to find an amused look on his face. He was teasing me... not after what he did. I firmly grabbed him by the collar and yanked him deathly close to me.

"What game are you play-" he cut me off and kissed me again. But, this time was much more passionate. I pulled away after a bit.

"Quit cutting me off!" I huffed.

"Aww but I love it when Sugarcube gets flustered" he teased.

"I told you not to call me that" I sighed.

"You know you love it" He retorted.

He wasn't wrong. I could feel my face burning as I practically died from embarrassment.

"Whatever" I mumbled.

There was another long pause between us. Which got me thinking...

"Plagg?" I asked


"What does this mean for us?"

"What do you want it to mean?" He responded.

I hesitated. "Well we don't have to hide anything since we won't be separated again."

"Yup, your stuck with me for the next hundred years" Plagg chuckled.

"I don't mind" I shrugged.

"So..." his voice got serious again. I think I knew what he was getting at.

"Cat got your tongue?" I laughed.

Plagg's face faltered between 10 expressions.

He opened his moth to say something and then quickly closed it again.

"I-I.." Plagg growled in frustration at his inability to speak.

"Are we dating?" I voiced for him.

"I think we were already dating Tik" he smiled.

Stuck in the void: A Plikki Story Where stories live. Discover now