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Tikki POV

It's a lovely morning. The sun is out, the birds were chirping, and I open my eyes to the sight of my drooling boyfriend. Great.

"Plagg your drooling on my pillow," I complain.

"Hm?" yawns.

"Nevermind," I say. I stand up and walk to the bathroom where I change into grey sweatpants and a red t-shirt, then head to the kitchen.

"Tikki?" Plagg calls from the other room.

"Yeah?" I answer.

"What do you wanna do today?"He asks.

"Uhhh I don't know, we'll figure it out," I yell back. I didn't receive an answer back, but he probably just fell back asleep.

"You could take me up on that combat offer?" An all to familiar voice says behind me, snaking their hands around my waist. I jump in surprise.

"You really wanna fight me?" I smirk, turning myself towards him.

"Nothing too bad, just some practice. That is, unless your too scared too," He says seductively, showing his fangs.

"You're on Stinky Sock," I retort.

"Mmm Stinky Sock...haven't heard that in a while. When was it? Nooroo's cycle?" He asks, barely tilting his head with a questioning look making his cat ears pop out.

"I forgot your had cat ears," I laugh. "Your hair is getting so long it basically hides it."

"W-What?!" He exclaims. "You forgot I have cat ears?!?"

"It's so fluffy and your hair is jet black so it blends in," I say.

"I suppose it is time for a trim I guess," He huffs.

"I'll do it for you," I say while as I pull up a chair for him to sit down.

"Uhhh I don't know Tikki..." He says hesitantly.

"Your fine I used to cut Marinette's hair all the time," I sigh.

"Ummmm," he mumbles.

"I'll give you camembert," I bribe.

"Okay," He immediately says, leaping into the chair and engulfing the cheese I created for him.

I use my powers and nicely trim the sides while
still leaving the top long, but cutting it to where his cat ears were noticeable.

"Ow!" he cried.

"What? What did I do?" I ask.

"You cut my cat ear!" He whines.

"I did? Sorry I'll try to be more careful. It's really hard to see," I sigh.

"Tikki, I'm all out of cheese," he groans.
I give him more and continue cutting his hair. 15 minutes later, I finish his hair and let him look
at it.

"Looks like I found myself a new barber." Plagg grins while examining his hair.

"Oh you like it?!" I exclaim.

"Perfect as always Sugarcube. Now we can do
combat?" He asks.

I feel a few butterflies erupt in my stomach as he says that. There's that word again...perfect.
Just a simple word with so much meaning, just enough to even make one of the most powerful universal beings melt.

Stuck in the void: A Plikki Story Where stories live. Discover now