One week too long

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Tikki's POV

For the record, I was just trying to help. I didn't mean to upset him. In the Kwami world, tapping into someone else's mind without their permission is kind of a big deal. They think of it as an invasion of privacy. I just thought since we we're dating now he wouldn't mind. Plus, I thought it could've helped him calm down. It worked, but of course he got mad. His stupid anger issues always ruin everything...

Then, he had the audacity to say I'm the reason he's never happy? I'm the only reason he's ever happy! Deep down, I know he didn't mean it. But it still hurt to hear come out of his mouth.

Although I did feel bad when I yelled that everything is his his face. I know that Plagg doesn't mean the things he says...but does he know that I don't mean it either? Or does he take it to heart?

I was so in the moment and spilled the meanest thing I could think of, just to get even. I didn't mean to hurt him. I immediately regretted it when it came out of my mouth and surely he didn't take it to heart. Then why couldn't I stop thinking about it?

It's been almost a week since we parted ways. I've seen him outside his house occasionally, but for the most part he's been more reserved than ever. He acts like I'm invisible, and I do the same. In a healthy relationship, the boyfriend doesn't just decide to walk off, and then act like their girlfriend doesn't exist.

Okay so maybe I'm not doing the best job either at this romance stuff. I can't even keep a boyfriend for a week. Did we even break up? Everything's complicated now.

I decided to try and talk to him. There's no use in spending the next century holding a grudge against your boyfriend. I changed into black leggings and a hoodie. Then I threw my sneakers on and walked out the door. I began my walk to Plagg's mini house, observing it as I strolled.

I found it amazing how he actually created something small. It was a big step for him considering he's the Kwami of destruction. But that's how Kwami's work, the more emotion you feel, the more powerful you can be.

I was too lost in thought to realize I had been standing in front of his house for ten minutes. In a daze, I knocked on the door as a thousand different scenarios played in my head. This could go...many different ways.

A minute later he reluctantly opened the door and I was met with an intense stare. He sighed and walked away from the door, leaving me in confusion. The door was still open, so I decided to let myself in.

When I walked into the house, I was immediately met with Plagg's scent. Not to be rude, but I suppressed how shocked I was. His  house was neat, organized, ....and very black.

I sat down on the couch across from him and watched as he avoided eye contact with me. I observed how his cat ears were twitching nervously. The pupils of his eyes looked more like slits than circles, indicating he was on high alert.

"Plagg" I finally say the name as I felt it roll off my tongue. There were so many emotions I felt associated with that name. It felt strange to hear it after so long.

"Hm?" He stiffened and focused his attention to me. The intense green eyes made me uneasy.

"I-uh" I rack my brain trying to remember what I came here for. My head clouded as I struggled to think of anything. A minute passed.

"Come on Tikki what's the real reason your here?" He says impatiently tapping his foot.

"I just want to talk" I admit. "I thought we could address the issue"

"Or we can move on with our lives and like pretend nothing happened" Plagg remarked.

"I can't just do that. Maybe you, but not me" I crossed my arms.

"Why not?" Plagg raise an eyebrow.

"Because it would be weird. Imagine if we just went on and forgot about. That's not something I can forget about. It would be like this unspoken lingering awkward feeling" I admitted.

"We've had worse arguments" Plagg said.

"Like what?" I sat up straight.

"The Black Death? The leaning tower of Pisa? The extinction of the dinosaurs? The Stonehenge? Should I go on?"

"Yeah but..this felt different. We were just arguing about stuff but this...this was personal."

"Yeah" Plagg shifted nervously. "Yeah you're right."

"Which is why we can't just ignore it. I can't ignore it. Plus, that's not how a healthy relationship works. You have to talk about your disagreements.... are we still even dating?"

"I still love you." Plagg says after what feels like an eternity. He looks up at me with a serious face. I searched his expression for even a trace of mischief, but he looked dead serious.

"Yeah I love you too but we can't just act like this never happened." I argued.

"You sure about that?" Plagg leaned it closer to me. His eyes burned with intensity and longinging. There wasn't a trace of mischief on his face. He leaned in closer, his nose touching mine. I stared at him in daze until he closed the gap between us.

I immediately gave in and kissed back. I hadn't seen him in almost a week. There was no doubt I missed him. He slinked his arms around me, pulling me closer. This lasts a few minutes until I almost come back to my senses.

"P-Plagg" I mumble as he drowns out my voice with another kiss. He pulls me impossibly closer to him, my hands curl the ends of his hair. I slowly come out of my daze and back to reality.

"Plagg w-wait-I" I push him away.

"What Sugarcube? I haven't seen you in a week. Let's just forget about it and movie on!" Plagg groaned, clearly annoyed at me for pushing him away.

"We're talking about what happened first, then we'll solve i-"

"I don't get the point of this" Plagg cut her off.

"As I was saying" Tiki rolled her eyes. "After we resolve the argument...maybe we can continue our endeavors?"

Plagg perked up."Whatever" he said. "So what's first?"

Don't worry guys I'm not dead! I just wrote 2 chapters worth and I forgot to save's all gone and I had to rewrite it. I was so mad, I internally threw a tantrum. But anyway😊 1116 words!!!

Stuck in the void: A Plikki Story Where stories live. Discover now