Change is Almost Always a Bad Thing

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Tikki's POV

"It's okay, I promise Sugarcube" He wrapped his arms around me and held me there for a while. I didn't know how long we were there but I knew one thing for sure.
I wouldn't ever let Plagg feel any of that ever again.

When I let go of him, I dried the remaining tears off my cheeks and faced him.

"Which way back?" I said.

"That way" He pointed in a random direction and we began to walk. I reluctantly followed him through the void. No one talked. It was particularly uneventful until he grabbed my hand about 10 minutes in.

I looked to him, but he had his eyes trained ahead of him. I sigh. Great is he still not talking to me? My questions were answered when he finally spoke up.

"I'm sorry" he croaked. I turned to him, but he still refused to make eye contact with me.

"You don't have to be sorry. You've been holding that in for centuries." I say, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Yeah but I shouldn't have scared you. I took it too far" he said.

"I would have done the same thing." I say.

"No your wouldn't have," he said.

"Well I don't blame you" I sigh.

"You were sobbing" he argues.

"It wasn't that bad" I try to convince. "Although it was confusing at first."

"The only bad part was the mirrors surrounding me...and the mirrors shattering...and the never ending maze...." I rest my gaze as head of me.

Plagg glances me with a weary look.

"Just accept my apology" he sighed.

"Nope. You didn't do anything wrong," I refused to look at him.

"For gods sake Tikki you were bawling your eyes out! I went to far, just admit it." He snapped.

"Okay, so maybe the circus was a little harsh.... pointing out every one of my insecurities," I wince at the memory. I look forward and see the house a few yards away.

"Hey, look at me Tik," he stops me and grabs my shoulders to face him.

"You're perfect, okay?" He gently grabbed my chin and tilted my head up. "You shouldn't have an insecurities. Every freaking thing about you is perfect and don't listen to anyone who says otherwise."

"B-but" I try to say but he cuts me off.

"No, no buts Sugarcube. Your gorgeous. You're my Sugarcube and that's all that matters." Plagg cuts me off.

"I don't even see how a guy like me can even score a girl like you. I got so lucky, and I'm the Kwami of bad luck!"

My heart melted and my eyes felt watery after hearing such sweet words. I smiled at him in adoration as I jumped up and crashed his lips into mine. He snakes his arms around my waist and I threw mine around his neck and in his hair. I felt him smile into the kiss, as salty tears ran down both of our faces.

When we broke away, he wipes my face with his thumb. "I love you" I blurt out. "I love you so so so much."

He tucks a piece of hair behind my ear and smiles. "I love you too" he says back lovingly.

"Promise me you won't ever call yourself a disease again" I said sternly. Our faces were inches apart.

"But remember-"

"No, no buts" I laugh, repeating the phrase he used with me. "If the Kwami's have something to say about it, they can talk to me personally."

"Deal," Plagg chuckles. I gave him one last hug before we began walking back to the house. I felt great. I felt more than great actually! Everything was great and I was just...perfect.

He said I was gorgeous. He said I was perfect. I knew it was far from the truth but he truly did warm my heart. My heart began to race at the thought of his words.

When we reached the house, he jumped on his bed and pulled me down with him. He wrapped his arms around me as I snuggled into his hoodie. He smiled in adoration and wrapped his arms around my face.

"P-Plagg" I mutter as I struggled to get fresh air. I tried to move his arms off me but it was stuck like glue.

"I can't breath" I mumble into his hoodie. My head was snuggled in the crook of his neck and he refused to move.

Plagg looks down and tilts my head up towards him. He leans down and plants a kiss on my lips. Nope. He gets no kisses until he lets me sit up. When I didn't kiss him back, he broke away with a grumpy look.

"Tikkiiiii" he whined. I ruffled his fluffy hair and laughed.

"Hm?" I raised an eyebrow.

"Why won't you kiss me back?" He pouted.

"Boyfriends who hold their girlfriends hostage don't get kisses" I stated matter of a factly. Plagg leaned even closer to my face, and pushed my hair behind my ear.

"Then marry me" he whispered in my ear.

Stuck in the void: A Plikki Story Where stories live. Discover now