His Dark Side

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Tikki's POV

I wince as I send him tumbling through the abyss as he screams my name. Am I wrong for doing this? No Tikki-listen you doing it for him own good-but what kind of girlfriend does that to her boyfriend-that's not your boyfriend that's his other side in control-but-TIKKI!

I snap out of my dreamy feeling the shock of what I just did run through me. Did I just make it worse? What if he comes back.

My questions are quickly answered when the ground beneath me starts shaking. I turn around to find a crack in the place I sealed a second ago. Before any other cracks appear, I begin racing as fast as my legs can move as far away as I can get.

I don't get too far before my legs are shipped off the ground and sent flying through the air as a blast hits be from the back.

I barely catch a look at Plagg to find him intensely glaring at me. He's completely engulfed in his power with black and green practically radiating off his skin. And it seems his dark side has completely taken over.

His green eyes now dark and heavy with complete cat slits. His fangs are pointer and his ears are sticking straight up.

"Tikki!" Plagg roars.

"Plagg, you have to calm down," I look up to him from the floor.

"I'm fine," he narrows his eyes.

"Okay then let's just call it even?" I hopefully ask.

"Since when have we ever called it even?" he scoffs before turning around and using his cataclysm to destroy everything I created.

Every building, platform, it's all gone.

"I never said you could destroy that!" I snap, watching my breathtaking views crash down into rubble.

He smiles at scene before turning his attention back to me. "It was fun," he laughs with no emotion.

I groan in frustration, racking my brain of different possible solutions until I think I reach one. I'd have to completely shut him down.

Sparks begin flying behind Plagg as he spins around, perfectly falling into my distraction. I lunge towards his and attempt to grab his arms and restrain him but he quickly catches on and starts fighting back.

"Just stay still for a second In trying to help you!" I shout but it's not use, he threads around and kicks his feet before picking me up and throwing me across the room.

"I don't need your help!" Plagg yells, green fire engulfing him.

"You don't get it!" I respond, flying up and throwing my next attack at him. Hit after hit, move after move, he deflects them all.

"I don't want you Tikki," Plagg sneers but I pause at his statement mid fight.

"This is pointless Plagg," I sigh.

"You're so pathetic," he scoffs. "Who stops in the middle of a fight?"

"There's no point in fighting we're evenly matched."

"What? I could easily demolish e-"

"No it would go on forever. We're even Plagg you've had your fun."

At this phrase he seems to relax and his eyes seem to dilate for a second.

"Even?" he raises an eyebrow.

"Yeah we're equal," I offer a sly smile, holding out my hand as he hesitantly takes it.

"How do you know that?" he whispers.

"Because together we're one."

At this his eyes seem to completely come back to normal and his angry green aura dies down. He leans in towards me, placing my forehead on his.



"I think I like it better that way."

"Me too Plagg."

"And do you want to know what else?" Plagg asks me.

"Mmmm?" I hum, leaning back to look at his eyes as he leans toward my ear before whispering.

"You were wrong to trust me."

At these words my heart drops. I quickly pull away to find his cat slit eyes and dark aura have returned.

"You lied to me," I stagger away from his in disbelief.

Then for a moment I see a flicker of hope in his eyes as my regular Plagg returns.

"Tikki I would never lie to y-"

Plagg screams as another his dark side of him regains control. He seems to be having an internal battle with his head, and my Plagg seems to be losing.

"Plagg you have to fight it," I state. "Don't let that side take control of you."

Plagg screams again as he drops to his knees, one eye with green orbs and the other with cat eyes.

"I-I can't beat this thing Tikki," Normal Plagg says.

"Stop talking to her," The other Plagg yells.

"If you can't beat it i'll help you," I state, taking a few steps towards him.

"Get away from me," The other Plagg yells.

I ignore his demands and bend down infront of him before searching his eyes. His pupils are evenly split down the middle. I place a hand on his forehead and close my eyes, searching for the tiniest bit of recognition.

"Plagg? Where are you?"

I search his mind in attempt to find my Plagg.

"Tikki!?" A voice cries.

"It's okay Plagg i'm here to help you."

My mind quickly invades his, finding everything evil and destroying it in my path, replacing it with light.

When I'm finished I slip out of his mind to find his eyes trained to the floor. He's holding his legs tightly into his chest while tears rapidly run down his face.

"I did it again," He chokes but I recognize his tone almost instantly. He's having a panick attack.

"Remember what I told you, deep breaths Plagg," I instruct, placing a hand on his shaking shoulder.

"That's not the point Tikki I did it again," Plagg frustratedly stands up and shakes my hand on his shoulder.

I watch as he turns his back to me and takes a few steps away from me.

"Plagg? What are you saying?

"I can't keep doing this to you Tikki," he faces me to show me his puffy red eyes streaked with tears.

"What are you talking about?" I ask, standing up and walking over but he stumbled back in attempt to get away from me.

"I just need a break okay?" Plagg runs his hand through his hair as my heart begins to shatter.

"From me?" I ask.

"I don't want to hurt you Tikki."

"Then stay."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"Because it's unfair to you."

I stare at him for a little bit longer.

"I love you," Plagg looks at me before taking a step into a portal in the floor. And just like that, he's gone. Turns out I have tears on my face too, and the worst part is...

I didn't even get to say it back.

Stuck in the void: A Plikki Story Where stories live. Discover now