Not edited. n defeat as Keiran squealed when he saw another sale table in front of them.
"Looks like someone's having fun" Damon said with a laugh as Tara's feet seemed to drag behind her as she followed.
"Tara hates shopping."
"Hell twirp! She's fúcking perfect!" Maxon was in awe at the thought of a female who hated shopping.
Lucas' eyes softened.
"Yeh she is."
"Looks like Keiran's having a good time though. Who's the other guy."
"That's Jace. Keiran's boyfriend. Patience of a blóody saint!" Lucas said dramatically.
"Oh I don't know, Keiran seems ok.."
"Oh he is but when he's around too long..." he broke off and shuddered.
His brothers both chuckled with a nod.
"A bit much? Damon asked.
"Yeh" Lucas sighed "but he's the best friend anyone could ever want and the things he's done for Tara..."
He looked at his wife again and the previous meeting with Ellie torn him in half. Knowing her life was still at risk was eating him alive. Maybe it would be better if Ellie just disappeared?
They walked to where Tara and Jace were talking as they waited for Keiran.
Lucas' breath was gone. Tara looked up and saw them coming and their gazes met and she smiled.
"Hey, having fun?"
She grimaced and looked at him with pleading eyes.
"Do we have to go home? Please?"
"Nah. We thought we'd join you."
"Oh" she looked disappointed and he couldn't help grinning.
"What the?" Maxon exclaimed as he turned around and his eyes landed on Keiran.
"Did you just pinch my árse?"
Keiran looked back at him with wide eyed innocence.
"Who? Me? How could I? My hands are full."
He held up the bags he had in one hand and the piece of clothing he'd grabbed before Maxon turned around. Maxon started to laugh and nodded to Keiran's hand.
Keiran looked and his eyes bulged and he started to splutter.
"I.. it's... that's... it's for Tara!"
Lucas looked at him and started to laugh with the others joining in.
"Ke... I hate to break it to you but well..."
"You gotta keep the girls safe sis" Keiran tried to get her to back him up with an unspoken beg of solidarity.
Tara laughed.
"Come on Ke. No one would ever believe the girls would fit into that."
Lucas found himself looking at Tara's chest and gulped with embarrassment when she gasped and covered herself.
His brothers watched him with grinning faces as he looked to the roof with a crimson face and ran his hand over the back of his neck.
"Is it hot in here? They must have turned up the heaters..."
Tara started to giggle. Yes she was embarrassds herself but this Lucas was funny and shy.
"Sorry" he said awkwardly.
She walked to him shaking her head and he wrapped a stiff arm around her shoulders and bent down and kissed her on the top of her head.
"So let's go home. I think my boyfriend's done enough shopping."
Keiran agreed with Jace with a very quick nod of his head.
Damon and Maxon followed Keiran and Jace to the checkout as Lucas and Tara slowly followed their lead.
"You know" Lucas said with an impish grin "the girls could fit into one cup of that bra and still have room to move."
Tara stopped and her mouth fell open as Lucas pushed aside his own shy embarrassment and smirked at her.
"What? I'm just saying..."
"But... that's... Lucas!"
Tara stomped her foot as Lucas started to laugh. He grabbed the material that covered her stomach in a fist and pulled her to him. Leaning down he kissed her softly before whispering in her ear.
"I personally think the girls are fúcking perfect."
Eeeeeeeeeek! I don't know if I should be going all girlie or not right now but hell that boy makes me smile!

Pawned Virtue - #wattys2015 BK4 TPBS - Completed 1st draft
Aktuelle LiteraturBook 4 of The Price Brothers Stories Tara wasn't a stranger to having no food in the house or having the power disconnected. Her father was a gambler and a drunk. He didn't care what happened to his daughter and when his luck had finally run out he...