Aussie Laws

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Ok peoples we have some things to clear up.


I am Austrailan so I write to the laws that I know. The characters in TPBS are all Australian so therefore they abide by Australian laws.

Lucas did not rape a minor. In Australia girls as young as 14 are able to get the pill without their parents consent. The actual legal age for sex is 16. Marriage can occur at the age of 16 with parental consent.


When I started this series I knew that it would upset a lot of people. I deal with issues that others hide.

The way that Lucas took Tara's virginity is in my eyes a form of rape. As you have read, he absolutely hates himself for it and I can tell you that it will be a damn long time before he forgives himself for it.. if ever. He stepped up where many men wouldn't and accepted responsibility for his actions. How Tara feels about it would come out further into the story.


Please try to remember that we are all from located all over the world. We live in countries with differing laws. That's why I try to inform you of the laws that I use as the basis for all legal issues in my stories.


I have to do some double checking because I'm sure I listed Lucas' age incorrectly in HBFD. It should read 25 and not 29 therefore he would be almost 27 in this story.


Although I am portraying Tara as being rather innocent in the story thus far that certainly doesn't mean that she wasn't aware of what sex actually was. Yes she is 16 but most 16yr olds I know can actually tell me more about sex than I could ever imagine them knowing. WP is open to 13 yr olds... have you read some of the stories on here? You may be surprised how old your favourite authors are.

And lastly.

I will not be updating this story until Hostile Resolve is finished so I can concentrate on regular updates that cause less confusion.

I hope this explains everything but if you have any questions please ask.

Happy Australia Day to all the Aussies xxx


Pawned Virtue - #wattys2015 BK4 TPBS - Completed 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now