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Lucas pulled the car up in front of Grayson's house and immediately three men stomped out and were across the road in a flash.

"What the hell happened?"

"Are you ok?"

"Are you hurt?"

Maxon dragged Tara out of the car and looked her her over before wrapping his arms around her and surprising her with a right hug.

"Guys, we're ok."

"Holy shît Lucas! You fûcking scared the hell out of all of us. You two" Damon moved his hand in the air between the Lucas and Tara "are never going off on your own again!"

Lucas rolled his eyes.

"Haha brother. Like that'll ever happen."

Grayson slapped Lucas' shoulder.

"Well. Regardless of what happened there's a few people who need to see you to know you're all right." He pointed towards the house.

Tara's mouth dropped open at what she saw. Peter, Maggie, Keiran, Jace, Lucas' parents and a whole bunch of Lucas' men including Jones and Adam were standing with Anna and Josie at the bottom of the steps to the verandah. She pulled out off Maxon's arms and took a step forward when he grabbed her arm again. She looked back at him in surprise and saw that he was smiling wide as he pointed to the side of them.

Tara's eyes filled with tears as her eyes met Lucas'. Kneeling down on one knee and holding out a diamond ring he spoke words that had her gasping and her hands flying up to her mouth.

"Tara Porter... will you marry me again... today?"

She gulped and everyone stood silently. Did their girl want a wedding to remember?


Screams and cheers echoed through the vast open distance as Lucas stood and placed the ring on her finger before kissing her soundly.

Just nights before he said he'd give her the wedding she deserved one day and with the help of everyone the time had come in just a few days.

"Maggie's waiting" he said softly.

Tara felt like a princess just a mere two hours later. She stood looking at herself in shock and surprise. Not only did she feel it, she looked like it too.

As Keiran was her best friend he would be standing up beside her and for Lucas he would have Grayson who had apparently stated quite firmly that tradition be hanged,  he wouldn't be dancing with Keiran at all... but intended to make a joke of it later... as long as Keiran didn't tell him what a cute butt he had like he did when the others first arrived!

Gentle knocking had Tara turning towards the door and Peter walking in.

"M'lady I would be honoured to escort you to your husband." He swept down in a dramatic bow.

"Oh my kind sir it is I that would be honoured to walk at your side." She teared up and fought the knot in her throat.

"Hey there kiddo. None of that now." Peter held her shoulders and placed a fatherly kiss on her forehead.

"Shall we?" He held out his arm to her.

She nodded and picking up the beautiful bouquet of deep red roses she took his arm and they walked towards the back of the house.

The hall had been lined with vase of roses and lead to the back door that had been made into an archway where the door was open and she gained a glimpse of the scene she was walking into.

"How.." she whispered.

Peter smiled down at her.

"Sweetheart. You have no idea how easy this was. See all those people? One phone call from Grayson yesterday was all it took for this to happen. Every single person here loves you in some way. You've touched a lot of hearts. You calmed down a man who from what I've been told was a right bâstard who only cared for his brothers and his mother."

They moved out the door and Tara looked around to see every face wore a smile... and some a few tears.

Movement towards the front had her gaze facing forward. She cried out. Grandma Moira was sitting in a wheelchair waiting for her to walk to her.

"I wouldn't have missed this for the world. It sure beats Friday night bingo!"

The people surrounding them laughed and Tara gave her Grandma a hug and told her how much she loved her.

A pair of legs cam into view and she looked up to ses Keiran.

"Girl, you gotta get moving. There's a hunk of a guy up there waiting for you."

Just moments later Keiran was in place and the world surrounding Tara slipped away. She saw Lucas standing with Grayson. Both wearing tuxedos and

Their eyes locked onto one another and no one else existed. No one else mattered at that moment.

Lucas couldn't help himself. He walked to her and pulled her to him.

"I love you baby"

"I love you too Lucas Porter."

The ceremony was conducted by a local celebrant who after consulting with Lucas had kept the whols thing short but extremely sweet. The time had come for them to say their vows with Tara first repeating the words of the celebrant and Lucas surprising everyone and choosing to say his own.

"Beautiful Tara. You scare me." Everyone laughed as he paused and Tara smiled. "You scare me because without you I am nothing. You scare me because I need you so I can breathe. You scare me because of all the people in this world it was you who turned a hard hearted bâstard into a whimpering fool... and damn if I'm not grateful that you did. Baby, you're my blessing. My angel. You're the reason my heart keeps beating. You did me the greatest honour the day you became my wife. You gave me the greatest gift. Baby if I live to be a thousand and thank you every day it still wouldn't be enough. Mrs Tara Porter you're the love of my life and I'm so glad... so damn glad that I belong to you."


GASP!!!!!! This is the last chapter! OH MY FLIPPING FIGHTING FLAMINGOES! I can't believe it! Nooooooo...  I wanna cry :'(

There's still an epilogue to come.

Pawned Virtue - #wattys2015 BK4 TPBS - Completed 1st draftWhere stories live. Discover now