Not edited. Tissues... yep.
Lucas stood up with a nervous swipe of his down his thighs. His palms sweaty and he was sure he just felt a bead of sweat running down the back of his neck.
His body was tense as he took a step forward while Gemma watched with a guarded look.
"Hi Gemma. I'm Lucas and these are..." he made a motion towards the others.
"Oh I know who you all are" Gemma broke into his introduction. She looked at them all and nodded as she said each of their names.
Smiles grew on their faces to know the reality that she really did know just who they were even if they didn't have a clue about her.
"So" Lucas started nervously with a small smile as he ran a shaky hand across his hair "I guess I'm your brother."
"Well I guess so." it was obvious that Gemma was finding his nervousness funny "and I'm your sister and Christopher..."
"Is our brother" Maxon stood and held his hand out. "Nice to meet you little brat."
Gemma's mouth dropped at his teasing while her own hand moved automatically to be shaken by his.
Damon stood and stepped to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.
"Welcome to the family. Just so you know, as big brothers we reserve the right to tease the hell out of you and beat crap out of any boys who look your way."
Maxon grinned as he watched Gemma's face cover in shock.
"You know Dam, I'm sure if we looked hard enough we'd find a chastiry belt.."
"A WHAT?" Gemma screeched while flushing red.
Both Damon and Maxon laughed heartily as her mouth tried to form words that wouldn't come.
"I like her" Damon said "It's been a while since we've had a little sister to make fun of."
"Exactly brother. The brat's going to fit in just fine."
Tara moved forward with a grin.
"Hi Gemma" she wrapped her arms around the girl close to her own age but younger to give her a quick hug before stepping back "as you know I'm Tara and all I can say is regardless as to how these guys act they're really big softies underneath."
"Excuse me?" Maxon demanded "We are not big softies!"
Tara nodded to Gemma.
"Yeh they are but you know what?"
Gemma shook her head slowly in a motion that wasn't really needed in reply to Tara's lead in question.
"These guys are loyal, caring and protective. They're going to drive you crazy at times but just remember they're old and..."
"Hey!" Damon reached out to wrap an arm around Tara's shoulders while a hand landed over her mouth. "Enough of that young lady."
Tara raised her eyebrows to Gemma in a silent motion that said 'See what I mean?'
Gemma grinned and looked between the three shaking her head.
"You're all crazy."
She started to laugh as Tara said something and it came out muffled because of Damon's hand.
"Oh that's gross!" Damon moved quickly away with a shiver as Tara spoke, her speech teasing his palm.
The girls grinned at one another before Gemma's face dropped to one of sadness.

Pawned Virtue - #wattys2015 BK4 TPBS - Completed 1st draft
General FictionBook 4 of The Price Brothers Stories Tara wasn't a stranger to having no food in the house or having the power disconnected. Her father was a gambler and a drunk. He didn't care what happened to his daughter and when his luck had finally run out he...