Not edited.
Tara walked around her bedroom one last time before throwing herself across her bed. If she walked any longer she'd wear through the floor boards and be meeting Maggie in the kitchen.
Why did she day she'd do this?
UGH! She looked at the evil thing that had once called itself her friend amd grimaced.
Whose idiot idea was it for her to call him and not the other way around? Der! Idiot!
Maggie offered to tell him to call but nooooo she had to be all tough and grown up and say that she'd make the call herself. Who was she kidding?
She buried her head down into the bed and screamed. She had to be careful because the last time she screamed Jones burst through the door with Adam not too far behind in a panic with their guns out ready to shoot the reason for her scream. They weren't too impressed when she told them a spider had run across her foot and she was lectured for hours on what was an acceptable reason to scream and what wasn't. They also made sure that pest control guy came and sprayed the house after she asked for a flame thrower. Apparently an exterminator could do a better job. Who would have thought it? Problem solved.
But this one wasn't. This one was a fire breathing dragon after eating the worlds supplies of chilli and moving on to Indian curry.
This was... not making it happen.
She lifted her head up suddenly and gasped in a deep breath of air. Apparently being face down over a blanket meant you couldn't breathe properly... who knew?
She groaned and turned over on her back throwing an arm over her face. Why was this so difficult? All she had to do was talk on the phone, it wasn't like he was here and she had to see him... did she want to see him?
Not yet.
Talk. That's all it was. She talks on the phone all the time with her friends. She threw her arm out and groped around until her hand fell on the phone she'd tossed on the bed in disgust earlier.
Raising it up before her she narrowed her eyes and called it evil. Evil for the way it taunted her and if it could she was sure it would have laughed at her.
She flipped it open and went to the contacts and started to scroll downwards. Sure she could have hit the letter P and gone straight to his name but this made more sense... didn't it?
She looked at the name that had been programmed into the phone before it was given to her. The name that up till now, she avoiding looking at.
Maybe he was busy? He would be for sure. He was a busy man. She'd be disturbing him.
Maybe she should call him later?
She closed the phone and dropped her hand back to the bed and groaned again before sitting up and holding the phone in her lap and staring at it.
She could do this. She was a strong person. It was just a phone call.
With a sigh she reached up and pushed the hair out of her eyes and opened the phone again.
This time, she thought to herself, this time she'd do it.
She scrolles once more and without letting herself think she hit the small green icon next to his name and waited.
She almost hung up. Hearing the dial tone change to a ring had been a shock.
That was quick! Was it usually that fast?
He has to be busy she thought as she heard the third ring begin. She should just hang up and...

Pawned Virtue - #wattys2015 BK4 TPBS - Completed 1st draft
Narrativa generaleBook 4 of The Price Brothers Stories Tara wasn't a stranger to having no food in the house or having the power disconnected. Her father was a gambler and a drunk. He didn't care what happened to his daughter and when his luck had finally run out he...