Not edited.
Lucas stood at the window looking out at the dismal scene as he waited for Tara to finish her shower. The day hadn't gone exactly as planned but who was he to complain when he had her here in the same room away from everyone else? At least that was what he was trying to console himself with.
Thinking of the possible outcome of their drive so far he shuddered with a yearning to cry. So close. So damn close they came to there being... to them... to him losing Tara. The big guy, Barney, explained how dangerous it was on that stretch of road and it was a good thing he'd been driving as slow as he had been or it could have been much worse... as it had been for many before them. The car was fine thanks to good driving and Barney and his friends moving quickly before it could slide anymore.
He made a call to Grayson and explained what had happened and that they wouldn't be back until the next day. He'd heard the shouts and demands in the background wanting to know every detail until Grayson told the lot of them to shut up and they could ask their questions tomorrow. The last words Grayson spoke caused a knot in his chest to tighten... I love you brother.
He heard the door open and turned towards her with a smile and quickly closed his eyes. She was wearing his white dress shirt which had dried quickly, it stopped mid thigh and with the light from the bathroom behind her she was completely silhouetted as she stood in the doorway. There was nothing left to his imagination.
He forced himself to breath and think of the most disgusting things he could to stop the obvious stirrings between his legs.
He forced his eyes open and sighed a sigh of relief to see that she'd moved.
"Yes baby?"
She blushed at his nickname for her. She still wasn't used to it when he spoke with such... desire... in his voice.
"Are you ok?"
No I'm not.
"Sure baby. What makes you ask that?"
Fuck she's beautiful.
"Um... well you just seem... uncomfortable?"
All for you.
"I'm good baby." He walked to the end of the bed and sat down. He knew she was watching every move he made and while he felt the grip of pain in his heart he pushed it away knowing that it was because of him she felt that way. Her nervousness always affected him this way and left him wondering if they'd ever forget the past or would it be there to torment him forever.
He looked down at the floor and jerked back in shock when her lwgs came into vision. His eyes trailed upwards and stopped at the hands that were clasped together and twisting fingers that couldn't settle.
He could hardly hear her voice but he was sure she spoke. He looked up and his heart swelled to see the love in her eyes. He reached out and gently pulled her by her hands towards him.
"You scared me today baby. I couldn't... just.. " he shuddered and buried his head into her stomach. "If anything... anything... happened to you Tara then I may as well give up breathing as well. I don't want my life to go on without you by my side. Baby... you are my everything."
"Shhhhh... I'm fine. I'm here.."
"You froze baby. You couldn't hear me..." he shuddered harshly at the memory and gathered her closer.
"But I did in the end and I'm here Lucas. I'm not going anywhere."
Tara moved her hands across his shoulders in a feathery touch. She felt every muscle twitch she caused and while she didn't want to take away from the way he was feeling emotionally, the knowledge that physically she was able to affect him by the slightest touch was an amazing sense of control.
Lucas tightened his arms around her and with just one tease from her fingertips across his earlobe he knew without the shadow of a doubt that he'd happily beg.
"Lucas" she spoke softly and he moved to look up at her "I want..." his eyes widened "well... um... no it's a silly idea"
"NO! No idea of yours is silly baby. Please tell me." Please! His eyes practically begged for the words his ears wanted to hear.
She watched as her fingers twirled a small lock of his hair. Her eyebrows furrowed as her bravery started to slip away.
"Baby?" he prompted softly.
"I want kids" she blurted. "I want three maybe four kids. I want them to know how much they're loved no matter what. I want them to know their lives have meaning. I want... " she broke off and closed her eyes "I want to try and be with you..." her eyes snapped open and she looked at him, her gaze seeking his urgently "Not so we can have children but because we... you... I.... "
Lucas was glad, very glad that he was sitting down as he looked up at his girl.
"Baby....are you sure? You know how much I want to be with you but you need to be sure. I don't want this to scare you anymore. You need" his hands moved to cup her cheeks. "you don't have to do this baby, not until you're sure you're ready."
"I think I am Lucas."
"Oh baby" he shook his head slowly "thinking and being... baby... I don't want to lose you. The past..."
"Is over. I want to try Lucas. I" she started to blush "I like how you make me feel when you touch me. "
He wanted this. Hell he was sure the whole world knew just how much he wanted to be with his wife, his girl, his Tara. God, he loved this girl with everything in him and if she was sure, really sure then he'd be so damn proud to take things to another level.
"Baby are you sure?"
"CLIFFHANGER!" ok I said it. please don't scream cliffhanger at me... I have a delicate disposition and I'm just an innocent in all this and... and... hehehehe... ok so that's all crap... I just don't like it.... or the words "too short" like I know this chpter is but I also know how long the next one is :D
Will she say yes? Will she say no? Will there be something else that stops them? Will.... hell the possibilities are endless and I for one am having a ball.

Pawned Virtue - #wattys2015 BK4 TPBS - Completed 1st draft
General FictionBook 4 of The Price Brothers Stories Tara wasn't a stranger to having no food in the house or having the power disconnected. Her father was a gambler and a drunk. He didn't care what happened to his daughter and when his luck had finally run out he...