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Ella smiled as Tom walked into the bedroom. He put Layla on the bed who giggled. "Daddy make beakfasts for me," she told her.

Ella smiled and nodded. Tom sat on the bed next to Layla and kissed Ella. "You know, I think we should get away this weekend. If you want to? Me, you and Layla. We could take Hannah too?" Tom said.

Ella shrugged and smiled. She nodded. "Sounds good. I think Hannah might need a weekend away. Things with her and Max are getting bad."

"She has our support. We're there for her."

The two of them went into school. Tom walked off with Layla and took her to the crèche. Ella smiled as she walked over to Hannah. "Hey! Welcome back."

"Thanks. It feels weird. And it feels like it'll be awkward. With Max and all. I just don't know how I'll be able to get through the day. Especially with this custody battle," Hannah said.

Ella nodded and took her hand. "Me and Tom are here for you. You know that right? You're not alone."

"I know. Thanks," Hannah said. She smiled as she looked at her sister. "How's it going with you and Tom?" She asked.

Ella grinned. "They're going well. It's like everything is falling into place right now. He wants to take me and Layla away this weekend. He asked if you wanted to come too."

Hannah laughed and shook her head. "No. I'm not going to cock block. But thanks for the invite."

Ella walked into Tom's classroom. She smiled and kissed him. "It's just you and me this weekend with Layla. Hannah doesn't want to come," she said.

Tom nodded. "Well how about we ask her to have Layla? And it be a me and you weekend? Last one before we're a family of four?"

"I'll speak with her. But first I think I need to find out why my mum is marrying someone she hasn't even spoken to for the last god knows how many years," Ella said as she and Tom kissed again.

Tom smiled and nodded. He squeezed her butt as she walked out.

Rachel smiled as Ella walked in. She looked to Max. "Can I have a moment with my daughter?" Rachel asked.

Max stood up and walked out. Rachel smiled at Ella. "What's up love?"

"Why are you marrying a man you've only just gotten back in touch with? What about Eddie?"

Rachel rolled her eyes. "Because we love each other. And as I have said, it's early days. But we know we can make this work. And as for Eddie, well that ship has clearly sailed. He chose Melissa over me,". She told her.

Ella scoffed. "He didn't choose her. He chose to be a father to his baby! And especially after missing out on Michael's life for so long, I don't think he would want to miss out on this baby."

"But he didn't have to leave did he?"

"You're worse than a teenager with an impulsive first love," Ella said.

Ella and Tom were lying in bed together. Tom smiled. "You know I've always wanted to make you happy. I love you."

"I love you too."

They kissed again. But Ella had no idea how everything with Tom was about to be tested.

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