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Ella knew how she was going to get rid of Adam from Waterloo Road. She knew that he couldn't be there anymore. Not when he had hurt so many.

She knew she couldn't let him get away with what he had done to Layla. She knew he had done something. And she just had to prove it.

She hated how the other man had ruined her life. She was awake all of the time comforting Layla as she couldn't sleep. She wanted to make him pay.

She wanted nothing more than for him to disappear. But it wasn't as simple. Rachel wouldn't get rid of him from the school. She was adamant that he hadn't done anything.

Ella knew she was going to do everything she could to get rid of him. Once and for all.

All she knew was that Layla came first. And she was going to be a better mum than her own was being right now.

Morning came and Ella woke in bed with Layla. She had gotten the little girl in her bed knowing she couldn't sleep. She looked up to see Tom as he walked in. "Hey. I made you coffee," he said.

Ella took the cup from him and sighed. "We need to do something Tom. It's not fair how she's not sleeping. I'm so worried about her."

"I know babe. We'll do something. I promise. Hannah is off today isn't she? She could take Layla while we're at work," he said as he looked to her.

Ella just nodded. "I'll call her and ask. I need to pee first though."

Tom watched as Ella walked into the bathroom. He looked to his daughter who was fast asleep and broke down crying. His little girl had been hurt. And he hadn't been able to protect her.

He felt like a failure. He couldn't believe all that had happened.

Tom and Ella went into work after dropping off Layla with Hannah. Max walked over and smiled. "Hey. So I know it's not easy. But i want you to know that I'm doing everything I can to get rid of Adam Fleet from this school."

"Thanks Max. Hannah is watching Layla. I hope that's okay?" Ella said.

Max smiled. "More than okay. Layla is welcome anytime she likes. You and Tom too," Max said as he turned and walked off.

Adam walked over to Ella and Tom. He smiled. "So. Your mum and I are getting married. We would love to see you there," he said.

"Get lost."

"Not a nice person are you? Tut tut."

Ella said nothing as she turned and walked off. Getting annoyed with Adam was acting like nothing had happened.

Rachel looked up as Ella walked in. She glared. "Listen. You need to tell your boyfriend to get lost. Or I will make him pay," she said.

"Ella. He hasn't done anything wrong. You need to talk to Layla and get her to tell you the truth," Rachel told her.

Ella shook her head. She scoffed. "Stay away from my family. You're dead to me," she said as she turned and walked off.

But was she serious about cutting Rachel out of her life?

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