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Ella sat in the house with Hannah. Ella and Hannah were having a last girls night before she moved in with Tom. Ella looked to Hannah and smiled, she could tell that there was something up with her sister "okay, talk to me. I know you Hannah and I know when there is something upsetting you? If it's max Tyler I will chop his balls off and kill him" Ella said as Hannah looked to her and smiled "you always do manage to cheer me up no matter what" Hannah said as Ella smiled "it's my job, what's going on" Ella asked as Hannah smiled "it's max, he's being off with me and I think that he is being off with me, it's kim. He is getting close to her and it worries me" Hannah said as Ella looked to her and smiled as she ran her hands through her hair and smiled "you have nothing to do on Kim Campbell and of max Tyler can't see that them screw him" Ella said as Hannah looked to her and smiled

"I really like him and I know it started off as sex but now it's more and I'm falling for him and we have Mia together and I just wanted us to be a family, and Kim Campbell could come between us" Hannah said as Ella looked to her and smiled. Ella knew just how much that Hannah wanted the perfect family for Mia and how much she wanted to make it work and Ella felt heartbroken for her, she knew Hannah was falling in love with max and Ella knew she had to protect her sister at all costs and that she couldn't let max Tyler break her heart. "If max is cheating on you then isn't it best you know now instead of living a lie?" Ella asked as Hannah nodded knowing ella was right


Ella got to work the next day, she stood in the staffroom and frowned to herself as she looked to tom and saw how off he was. She could tell that he was in a bad mood and it worried her as Ella felt as if he was having doubts over them moving in. Ella walked over to him and handed him a coffee as he looked to her and smiled. She sat on the table in front of him and took hold of his hands and smiled "please tell me this isn't about moving on, your having doubts aren't you?" She asked as Tom looked to her and smiled "no, I'm not. I love you and nothing is going to stand in my way of moving in with you" tom said as Ella looked to him and smiled


Ella stood in her classroom as Tom walked in. He looked to her and smiled "I know I have been off and I'm sorry but I want to explain, I've learnt I have a son. He's a pupil here and I don't ovie what to do" Tom said as Ella looked to him and smiled "we'll work it out together" Ella said as Tom looked to her and smiled as she leant in and kissed him

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