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Ella stood in the bathroom and sighed as she placed the pregnancy test that she had just taken on the side. She felt sick. She knew that she and tom weren't exactly careful but she knew that a baby wasn't the best thing right now.

Layla wasn't even one yet and Ella and Tom were trying to make their relationship work and it wasn't easy and Ella knew that having another baby wasn't go big go help things and that it would just drive them apart. Ella sighed as she stood waiting for what seemed to be the longest three minutes of her life. She had no idea what she was going to do or how Tom was gong to react. She knew he would be supportive but she didn't know if he even wanted more children. They hadn't talked over it.

Ella walked over to the pregnancy test and sighed as she picked it up off of the side of the bench and looked to it and frowned as she saw it was positive. She looked to it and paled not knowing what she was going to do

Ella walked out of the bathroom and smiled as she walked into her room and picked up Layla and smiled

"who's a good girl" Ella said as Layla looked to her and babbled away. Ella walked downstairs and smiled as she saw Hannah. Ella placed Layla in her high chair and smiled as Hannah looked to Ella and frowned

"you look like crap" Hannah said as Ella looked to her and rolled her eyes

"well thanks, I love you too" Ella said as Hannah looked to her and frowned

"are you sure that your okay" Hannah asked as Ella turned towards her as she started to make breakfast for Layla

"no, I'm not okay I'm pregnant Han and I don't know what to do, I'm just starting to cope and get it right with Layla I can't have another baby. I just can't" Ella said

"what has Tom said"

"he doesn't know I just took a test. All of this is a mess" Ella said as Hannah looked to her sister and smiled

"I know, I know that's how you feel but you need to talk to Tom, it will all be okay I promise " Hannah said as she walked over to Ella and hugged her


Ella got to work and smiled as she walked into toms classroom. He looked to her and smiled

"is everything okay, you don't look well" Tom asked as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm pregnant Tom and I don't know what to do" she said as he looked to her and frowned "do you want another baby" tom asked

"one day but Layla is what I have to think about she's one next week and we need to focus on her and not having another baby and we have just got things good between us after Davina and everything I just don't know what to do" Ella said as Tom walked over to her and hugged her and smiled as he kissed the top of her head

"whatever you want to do I am here for you, if you want to keep the baby or if you want to have an abortion I will support you what I promise" Tom said as Ella looked to him and smiled not knowing what she wanted to do


Ella sat in the staffroom and sighed. She rested a hand on her stomach and sighed. She was thinking over Having an abortion but she didn't know if she could go through with it.

Ella knew her head was a complete mess and she didn't know what to do. She didn't know how to get her head around this .

Ella has no idea what she was going to do but she did know that she had a big decision to make either way if it was keeping the baby or not.

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