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Ella lay in bed next to Tom who looked to her and smiled "are you okay" he asked as she looked to him and nodded

"I guess I am Just worried over everything that's going on. I know that Layla hasn't been herself and I don't want her near the crèche. I don't want her near Adam, I only want you or I to pick her up as I don't trust him. I hate how I feel as if I can't keep my own daughter safe" Ella said as a tear rolled down her face

Tom looked to her and smiled as he brushed her hair out of her face and smiled as he looked to her and smiled "I know it's hard but you are a good mum and you love Layla more than anything and I know that you would do anything for her and I know how none of it is easy but I am here for you" Tom said

Ella looked to him and smiled "what would I do without you" she asked as she leant in and kissed him. He kissed her back and moaned into the kiss as he rolled over so that he was on top of her. He ran his hands up her thighs as she looked to him and smirked

They stripped off as he pulled her close as he got between her legs and pushed into her, Ella called out in pleasure as he started to move in and out of her. She dug her nails into his back and rolled her head back

She felt him fill her up as she wrapped her legs around and pulled him closer to her. He went at a pace that they both wanted. She rolled her head back and arched her back as she felt him hit her spot "tom...Jesus" she called as she felt her orgasm build up in her stomach as he hit her spot as she felt herself release her load as he followed her

He pulled her into his arms and leant in and kissed her and smiled "it's all going to be okay I promise" Tom asked as Ella smiled. She knew how messy things were and she only hoped that he was right

Ella knew how things were a mess and she knew that she just wanted for everybody to be okay. She knew that she didn't want any drama and part of her was scared. She didn't like or trust Adam fleet

Ella got to work and stood in the staffroom and smiled as she looked to Hannah as she walked in and smiled "hey how is Mia" Ella asked as hannah looked to her and smiled

"She's okay, she's teething but she's okay. How is Layla" hannah asked as Ella looked to her and sighed

"I don't know, she's not herself and she's been very shut off, I feel as if she is struggling and I'm the reason for it, I feel as if I am failing her" Ella said as hannah looked to her and smiled

"You're a great mum, don't even think that you're not. I know it's hard and I know Layla is going through some stuff but you in no way in hell did fail her. You're a great mum and she went through some stuff and I know she's only three but when she is ready she will talk. It will be okay" Hannah said as Ella smiled

"I hope that you're right I just can't help but worry, I think Adam is somehow involved but I can't prove it. I know he's obsessed with her but I don't want him near my child. I don't care what mum says. He is not a good guy, not one bit" Ella said. Ella didn't care if it seemed as if she was overreacting

She knew Adam and she knew how creepy he was and she was laylas mother and she knew that she'd do what she had too, so that it meant protecting her daughter, Ella knew that she was not going to let Layla down and she knew that Tom was the same


Ella sat in her classroom and looked as Rachel walked in and looked to her "I need to talk to you, it's over Adam he is upset over not being able to see Layla and Mia" Rachel said as Ella looked to her and frowned

"What do you want me to do about it mum? I don't trust him and Layla is scared of him. Besides he's no one to my child" Ella said

"I know that you don't like him but he makes me happy don't punish Layla because if it" Rachel said as Ella turned to face Rachel and frowned. She actually couldn't believe what she was hearing

"Wow...he's really got in your head hasnt he. Look I don't care what Adam has to say, I am Layla mother and I know what's best and that creep is going no where near my daughter and word of advice mother wake up and smell the creep sitting next to you" Ella spat as she walked off

She knew she'd do whatever she could to protect her daughter even if it meant from Adam fleet

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