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Ella couldn't help but worry about everything since Layla had told her that someone had threatened her.

Ella knew she wasn't going to let anyone hurt her daughter. She would kill whoever tried.

That morning, she woke in bed and sighed. Layla was asleep next to her. Tom walked in. He smiled. "Hey. Is she okay?" He asked.

"She's fine. It's me who I'm worried about. Someone threatened her Tom. Her and Mia. They're only babies."

Tom sat on the bed and kissed her. He smiled. "She's going to be okay. We've enrolled her into a new daycare. Hannah has gotten Mia into one too. So they'll be safe."

Ella nodded. She wasn't convinced. She knew whoever threatened their daughter wasn't going to stop.

Ella went into work with Tom after they had taken Layla to daycare. Rachel was waiting. She frowned. "Where's Layla?" She asked.

"Safe. In a new daycare. She was threatened here. So I'm refusing to allow her at this school. And you can't blame me for that."

Rachel sighed. "Nothing would have happened to her. She's safe here."

Ella shook her head. She sighed. "No. She's better off where she is. She won't be setting foot in this school until whoever threatened her is dead. Or gone. Preferably the former," she said as she turned and walked off.

Rachel looked to Tom. "I wouldn't let anyone hurt my granddaughters. You know that right?"

"I know. It's nothing personal. Just precautionary," Tom said as he walked into the school after Ella.

Ella was in the staffroom. She looked up as Hannah walked in with Max. Ella smiled. "And what's going on there?" She asked.

Hannah shook her head. "Nothing. He just wanted to see if Mia was okay. I've told him he doesn't get to act like the concerned daddy now."

Ella smiled. "Well maybe he wants to get to know her."

"Too late to be honest. I have to put my daughter first. He hasn't been in her life since the day she was born. He doesn't get to start now," Hannah said. She smiled. "How's it going?"

Ella nodded. "Me and Tom are working. But I'm jus constantly worried that something is going to happen to Layla. She's my little girl and I'd die if anything happened to her."

Hannah smiled. "I get that. But she's safe now. That's all that matters."

Ella sighed as she sat in her classroom. The door opened and Adam Fleet walked in. He smiled. "Hey. Your mum tells me Layla and Mia aren't here. Are they okay?"

Ella turned to him. "The girls are none of your concern. So goodbye," she said.

Adam smiled. "Don't be like that. We're a family. You know we are."

Ella shook her head and glared. "You are not my family. You're nothing to me or my daughter. So get lost," she told him.

Adam watched as she walked off. He sighed knowing he wanted her and Hannah out of the way so that him and Rachel could take on Layla and Mia.

But as Ella walked along the corridor, she had no idea how Adam Fleet was about to mess with her life more than she thought possible.

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