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Ella sighed as she sat in the living room. Layla lay asleep on her chest. She looked to her phone and rolled her eyes as she saw the missed calls off of Tom. She placed her phone on the side as Hannah walked into the room. Hannah looked to her and smiled "have you spoken to tom?" She Asked as Ella looked to her and sighed "I can't, I can't talk to him. I get to angry especially after everything that happened" Ella said as Hannah looked to her and smiled as she sat next to her. Ella sat up and placed Layla on the side as she slept and smiled to her "she's the only thing good that's come out of it, she's my world and I can't loose her, she's all I've done good" Ella said as Hannah smiled "your a great mum, you don't loose her" Hannah said as Ella looked to her and smiled.

"And tom? What's going on between you" Hannah asked as Ella looked to her and smiled "I love him, I'm in love with him and I hate him because of it. It's such a mess and I can't help myself. I can't help myself from loving him, and I don't know if I want too" Ella said as Hannah looked to her and smiled "you don't need to be sorry Ella, he's her dad and I see how you look at him and it's okay to love him" Hannah said as Ella looked to her and smiled. Ella knew that she and tom had been messing around for months but she didn't know if he felt the same especially since Davina was now gone and that there was nothing standing in their way. Ella looked to Layla and sighed. She saw how much she looked like tom and sighed knowing she needed to do what was best for her in all of this.


Later that day, Rachel walked into toms office and looked to him "I think we need to talk" Rachel said as Tom looked to her and frowned "we do?" He asked as she nodded "it concerns my daughter, I know that your using her and I won't let you do that. Ella is struggling with your daughter alone as you won't help her and this isn't what she needs. She doesn't need you picking her up and dropping her when it suits you" Rachel said "I love her" he said as Rachel looked to him and rolled his eyes "if that's true then stop messing her about" Rachel said as she walked off.


Later that day, Ella frowned as she heard a knock at the door. She walked to the door as she held Layla on her hip and sighed as she answered the door and saw tom. He looked to her and smiled "what do you want" she asked feeling tired and annoyed "I wanted to see you, I wanted to see both of you" he said as he took Layla from her as Ella looked to him and rolled her eyes "you can't come in and out of my life, of her life, it's not fair" Ella said as he looked I her and nodded "I don't want to, I want in. I love you ella, I really do" he said as he leant In and kissed her.

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