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Ella sighed to herself as she looked to Layla who lay in her crib as she cried away. She sighed as she picked up her daughter and comforted her and sighed. Ella felt bad over the fact Tom had split with Davina. She knew she was responsible and it was because they had slept together. Hannah walked into the room and smiled to her sister "are you okay?" She asked as Ella sighed and looked to her "no, not really. I can't stop thinking about Tom and Davina, I can't believe i ruined it and slept with him" Ella said as Hannah looked to her and smiled "it's not your fault, he knew what he was doing and he was the one that was chasing you" Hannah said as Ella smiled as she looked to Layla "I hate him" she said as Hannah chuckled "no, you don't, I know you don't" Hannah said.


Later that morning, Ella got to work and smiled as she saw tom in his classroom and looked to him and smiled "hey" she said as he looked to her and smiled "are you okay?" She asked he looked to her "fine" he spat as she looked to him and frowned "what is going on with you?" She asked as he sighed and looked to her "Davina is gone because of you" he said as she looked to him and frowned "because of me, if I'm not mistake you ran after me, you cheated with me months ago and I gave birth to your daughter and you wimped out wouldn't tell Davina, this is your fault" Ella yelled at him as he sighed to her.

"Look tom, I'm sorry for what happened, I really am okay, but it happened for a reason and you chased me first so don't go there, I love you Tom okay and I'm not afraid to say it. I love you ever since I gave birth to our daughter, to Layla and I am sick and tired of denying it of hiding how I feel, so deal with it" Ella said as she walked off leaving tom sighing to himself.


Later that day,  Ella sat in the classroom and sighed to herself as she ran her hands through her hair and sighed. Rachel walked into the room and looked to her daughter and smiled "we need to talk" Rachel said as Ella looked to her and frowned "we do?" She asked as Rachel nodded "I saw you and tom arguing earlier and I know that there is something going on, do you want to tell me what it is?" Rachel asked as Ella sighed and looked to her and smiled "he's Layla's father" she said as Rachel sighed and looked to her. She knew, she knew but didn't have any proof "and do you love him?" Rachel asked as Ella looked to her and nodded "I do" she said as Rachel smiled to her "that's okay" she said as she walked over and hugged her daughter.

Tom walked into the classroom and looked to Ella and smiled as Ella and Rachel looked to him "Ella, can we talk?" He asked as she nodded. Rachel walked off as Ella stood up as tom walked over to her and sighed "I'm sorry" he said as she smiled to him "I'm sorry for what I said but your right, I did mess this up which is why you deserve better than me" tom said as Ella looked to him and frowned "what are you saying?" She asked "I'm saying I need to show you I'm worth it, I'm sorry" he said as he walked off leaving Ella feeling very confused.

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