Chapter Two

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Finally, it was lunch, and he sat down at their lunch table, laughing at some stupid joke Quackity said.

Their group was a decent size, almost taking up the entire lunch table, and they were fairly known around the school.

It contained, the five of them, George, Dream, Sapnap, Quackity, Karl; then Corpse, Wilbur, Techno, Niki, Puffy, and Ranboo.

"Quackity," Dream grumbled, "shut up, that wasn't even funny."

"Only because I completely roasted you!" Quackity exclaimed, sitting down across from George.

Dream sat down next to George, mumbling under his breath, something around the lines of 'fuck you', and 'george, help me, please'. All George did was laugh, ruffling the mass of blond hair before returning to his shitty school lunch.

"You guys coming to the party on Friday?" Wilbur asked.

George raised a brow. "Wasn't there one just over the weekend?" he said.

Corpse said, "Yeah, there was, and you didn't go to it because you were busy."

"I was!"

"Uh uh, and the one before, and the two before that, oh! The one fro--"

George cut him off, snapping. "Oh-kay, maybe I do skip a lot of parties, but I don't like partying as much like the rest of you."

"But dude, you're fucking insane when you're drunk," Sapnap said. "Like, seriously, the only reason you haven't gotten into deep shit is because Wilbur and Niki actually stay sober."

Almost at the opposite end of the table, Wilbur looked up and rolled his eyes with the slightest of a smirk. Across from him, Niki laughed, because it wasn't a lie, those two were the only two who stayed sober.

"Well," Corpse drawled, "it's currently Wednesday and the party's in two days. Are you coming, or no?"

George chewed on his lip. "Fine, I'll go."

Dream visibly lit up. Pale lips quirked into a grin and his blond hair bounced with the excited shift of his head. "Yay! Finally! You guys hear that, George here is finally coming to a party!"

Rolling his eyes—with the slightest of embarrassment—George smacked Dream's arm lightly. "Fuck you. What if I change my mind?"

Karl frowned. "You better not, or I'll show up at your house and drag your sorry ass over there."

"Wait, who's even hosting it?" Quackity asked.

Corpse snickered slightly, only because it had already been announced. "Wilbur and Techno."


Rich kids.

Okay, a lot of them were rich kids, all of the houses somewhat surrounded by tall trees, but those two definitely had one of the biggest houses.

Twins, they were both musicians, a guitarist and violinist. Everyone either knew them, or of them.

Wilbur, a tall, sweet-talking boy. Always wearing a sweater and ripped jeans with boots or converse to go with.

Techno, only a few inches shorter and a boy of little words—unless with his friends. He was always seen with turtlenecks and either jeans or cargo pants, with a lot of jewelry.

And obviously, with that long pink hair.

But, George wasn't mad at that choice of household. Their friend group had gone to their house multiple times to hang out and have so many sleepovers.

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