Chapter Nine

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Dream chewed on his lip as he watched George's eyes widen in confusion, maybe even a bit of hurt.

"I—what, why?" He asked.

Dream sighed and said, "Just—please, George... and you too, Sap, leave us alone."

Sapnap frowned but whispered in George's ear and Dream let out a breath as he watched them turn away and wander back into the party.

Ranboo, Techno, and Nebula glared at him and Corpse, and even over the terrible scent of the party, Dream could smell their anger and disappointment.

"Why?!" Techno snapped, shoving passed the two werewolves, who followed after him, alongside Ranboo and Nebula.

"Okay, look," Corpse began, swinging open the bathroom door of the room. "We didn't mean for it to happen. We're drunk—it was worse like ten minutes ago—and we weren't really thinking and I said something that may have pissed Dream off and he slightly transformed, but it was noticeable."

Techno raised a brow and opened his mouth, beginning a question.

"I'm getting there!" Corpse growled. "Patient. Anyway, at that moment, this boy—" he pointed towards the figure lying on the floor, top half of his body resting against the wall— " entered the room and he obviously froze in I guess fear or shock, so he didn't move. But, uh, Dream—in his own shock and fear—may have accidentally killed him."

Ranboo sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. "So, what the hell are we going to do with this body?"

"Eat him? Still fresh and I'm starving," Nebula said.

Dream glared at her.

She shrugged. "What? Aren't you hungry?"

"I accidentally killed someone and that's the first thing you think of?" Dream asked.

"Well, I'm hungry, and it's not like it hasn't happened before," Nebula said.

She was right. It had happened before. Another party, a few months ago, Wilbur and Asher had killed a girl.

"Well," Dream growled, "they had the slightest of intentions. I, on the other hand, did not."

"Okay so tell me, Dream, what are we going to do with this dead body, in a bathroom, in a bedroom, at a party, with a very high number of people." Nebula crossed her arms, glaring at him.

"I don't know," Dream snapped. "Throw him out a window?"

"Okay, shut the fuck up, both of you, I really don't feel like listening to you two argue over bullshit," Techno snapped.

Both Dream and Nebula bared their teeth.

That's when he noticed all of their features had ever so slightly shifted. He couldn't blame them, it wasn't every day that they were figuring out how to dispose of an accidental lifeless body.

All of their teeth were slightly elongated, as well as their ears, shifting into the shape of a wolf's. Dream's hair was slightly longer, same with Ranboo's.

"Okay," Corpse said, almost cautiously. "Dream's little outburst of throwing this thing isn't a bad idea. How about he and I move the body out of the window and you other three can wait outside and we'll figure something out from there. Let's just start with getting this damn body out of the house."

The others nodded and Dream watched silently as Ranboo, Techno, and Nebula disappeared from their sight and into the cold outside.

Dream rushed over to the door, shutting it and locking, checking securely before nodding at Corpse. "C'mon, because I'm going to admit, the smell of fresh flesh is getting to me."

As if in response, Corpse's nostrils flared. "Yeah, Nebula kind of had a point."

Dream huffed a single laugh and grabbed onto the body, heaving it up and halfway out of the open window.

Corpse looked down, motioning that the other three arrived and once they made sure no one was near the two werewolves threw it over.

The body landed with barely a thud, indicating that the others had somewhat managed to catch the body.

Corpse hopped out first, smoothly and swiftly disappearing through the window and a soft thud was heard after.

Thanks to their 'supernatural abilities', they could withstand more than a simple human could.

Dream followed, jumping through and landing in a crouch. He stood up and sighed as he stared at the body.

"So now what?"


"We maul him up and then dump him into this river?" Ranboo echoed the words Techno just said. "Really?"

"Yes," Techno said. "That means his body will be unrecognizable and our touch will be washed away from his body. Easy."

"Fine, only because I'm hungry," Nebula muttered.

Dream sighed and began shifting. Corpse, a black wolf, Nebula as well, Techno, a white wolf, Ranboo, a unique mixture of black and white—something one of a kind—and Dream, a gray wolf.

He had managed to get to the part where he almost fell on all fours when his phone rang and pulling it out of his pocket, he saw that it was George.

Out of the corner of his eye, Corpse and Techno watched curiously.

Gritting his teeth he clicked accept and held it to his almost-canine-like ear.

"What's up? Are you still at the party?" Dream asked. He wasn't very understandable, his voice was rough and deep, barely spoken like a human.

He slowly pulled back at his transformation, slowly becoming human once again.

"Yes! And you, I can tell, aren't," George snapped. "Where the hell did you even go? You just tell Sap and I that we can't hear your conversation for some reason and then just fucking disappear."

Dream sighed, feeling his claws fall back into nails. "Look, I'm sorry George. I'm also busy right now, 'kay? I'll call you back... er, actually, I'll be back at the party in like fifteen or twenty minutes."

"Whatever, I might go home in a bit anyway."

"Wha... why?" Dream asked quietly. He ignored the pleased growls of the werewolves digging into the corpse.

"Because it's almost one am and I'm tired, I've barely slept this entire week. Also Quackity is passed out somewhere and I'm supposed to be the one taking him home."

Dream looked up from the ground to find Corpse staring at him curiously, meat dangling from his jaw. The blond met his gaze, shrugging.

"Okay, um, again, sorry, seriously. I'll maybe see you over the weekend?"

"Whatever. Bye, Dreamy."

"Don't call me that," Dream growled, pulling the phone away from his ear and shoving it into his pocket.

Ranboo rumbled deep in his chest, looking at him with round gray eyes and tilting his head.

Dream shook his own. "I'm not so hungry, no anymore. See you guys later."

He shifted quickly, trotting into the bushes and hurrying away from the rest of them.

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