Chapter Eleven

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He rang the doorbell, waiting patiently until the door clicked, indicating that it had been unlocked. Seconds later Karl appeared with a grin on his face as he began dragging George into his house.

"George! Took you long enough. Quackity and Sap are already here. Oh! And Dream texted back, he said he'll come by a little later since he's busy today, but at least he's coming! We're attempting to make dinner--er, something resembling dinner--and then we can make my brownies!" Karl talked so rapidly that George barely had time to process before he was shoved into Karl's spacious kitchen.

"Gogs, you're finally here," Quackity exclaimed, spinning around to lean back on the counter with a stupid grin on his face.

"Why are you and Karl complaining that I'm finally here? Just because you, Quackity, and Sapnap get here at like twelve or one does not mean I'm late at five, and Dream's coming later than me!" George said, shoving the short ravenette slightly.

Quackity scowled, but then said, "Fine, whatever. But, we don't know what to make!"

George raised a brow. "You three have had hours to figure this out."

"Fuck off," Sapnap grumbled. "Karl and Quackity were arguing for literally all those hours."

Karl rolled his eyes, but he was fighting a smile.

"Okay, well, we can do pizza? Spaghetti? Burgers?" George suggested.

"Those are all so typical," Quackity said.

"And?" George said, "it's not like we're in a stupid restaurant or something, it's a sleepover."

"Fuck you," Quackity muttered.

"Let's do burgers," Karl said. "Who wants to go buy the shit we need with me?"

"I'll go!" Quackity spoke up quickly. "We can take my car."

"What if I don't trust you driving?" Karl asked.

"Well, too bad. I bet I'll make it there in half the time!" Quackity was already dragging Karl by the wrist, and all the brunet could was hopelessly attempt to get out of Quackity's grip until there was no use, they were at the front door and he could do nothing as the two stepped out the door.

Sapnap rolled his eyes. "I swear to God, they act like fucking children."

George shrugged. "It's not only them."

His response was a slap.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while, until Sapnap asked, "Do you wonder why Dream wouldn't let us stay while the others were all there?"

George sighed. "Yeah, I do. I mean, like I said yesterday, I'm aware we always keep something from each other every now and then, but this thing seems big. Like, he's always whispering with Corpse and Techno and some others at our table, and some people who aren't. Corpse and Dream were also acting really strange when we found them at the party, but... Goddamnit! I'm overthinking, whatever, I'm just going to try to forget about it."

Sapnap opened his mouth to speak, and he spoke slowly, almost carefully. "No, yeah, they're all acting suspicious. But, since I don't want to talk about this, and you probably don't either, I have to ask, how's your crush on Dream, huh? Have you made any moves? Shown him any hints? At all?"

George glowered at him. "Fuck off with that. It's literally pointless. We're friends and it's not going to change. It'll probably make it awkward and worse if he finds out I like him."

"Oh my god, dude," Sapnap said. "How do you even know if he's straight or not? He's never told any of us and we haven't even bothered to ask, so he probably hasn't bothered to tell us his sexuality."

"Just drop it, Sap," Geoge muttered.

The house had suddenly gotten colder, as if wind was entering and making itself at home. George looked over to find the front door open. He frowned. "Are they home already?"

Sapnap shook his head. "Yeah, Quackity said that he'd speed over there, but it's only been like twenty minutes. They still have to get everything, and knowing those two, they're going to get way more than needed, so it would take like thirty minutes or something, maybe even twenty-five if they really go quick enough."

"Then why the hell is the front door open?" George asked warily. "Did Karl lock it? Did he even close it?"

Sapnap's mouth formed into a frown as well. "No, I heard it shut. What the fuck is in here?"

A stupid idea, but George crept towards the door. Sapnap followed, probably because he couldn't help but let his curiosity get to him.


Deep, and terrifying as fuck. Both Sapnap and George jumped harshly (Sapnap screamed), spinning around to find Dream leaning against a wall. He was trying his best to not laugh, but the second their horrified faces struck him, he doubled over, laughing his ass off.

It went on for a matter of seconds as George and Sapnap stood there in shock.

Dream finally managed to stand up straight, but he was still fucking wheezing. "St- stop, you guys should've see- seen your faces. Holy shit! You guys loo- looked like you were going to piss your pants!"

George recovered first. "What the fuck? How did you get in so quietly? How did you even get in?"

Did you hear our conversation?

Dream shrugged so fucking nonchalantly. "The door was left unlocked. Like c'mon, seriously? Keeping the door unlocked while there have been murders? Pretty stupid if you ask me."

"Fuck off," Sapnap said. "It wasn't even us. And yeah, how did you get in so quietly? Since the door was apparently left open."

"I don't know, to be honestly, kind of just snuck in while you guys were paying attention. It worked well, didn't it? Oh goddamnit, I wish I got it on video."

"Got what on video?" A voice joined in, Karl, him and Quackity were walking through the front door with tons of grocery bags. "My parents put up security cameras throughout the inside and outside of the house since the murders began."

"Well, I just scared the shit out of these two dickbags and it was hilarious, can we see your cameras? I'm curious how well it got it," Dream said.

"How'd you scare them?" Quackity asked.

"I snuck in while they were talking about who knows what and they didn't quite catch on until they say that the door was left open," the blond explained.

Karl tilted his head. "Did one of you guys unlock the door?"

George frowned. "Dream said it was already unlocked."

It was Karl's turn to frown. "I definitely locked it."

All their eyes landed on Dream.

"Then how did you get in?" Karl asked.

Dream's eyes widened, and George swore it was an expression of 'oh shit'. "I uh, I don't know them. I kind of just turned the handle and I snuck right in. Maybe you really didn't, Karl."

Karl stayed silent for a second. A second of hesitation and uncertainess, but he then shrugged. "Fine, I guess, maybe you're right."

Dream spoke quickly. "Now, can we please see the cameras? I really want to rewatch George and Sap almost piss their pants."

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