Chapter Three

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The five were laughing when the TVs in the cafe all switched station simultaineously. The news. When it did, a man was already talking and seconds later, an image showed up.

A teenage boy lying dead in the grass behind a row of houses. Blood pooled beneath the body and as the news reporter chatted endlessly, the camera zoomed in.

George's eyes widened. The boy's face was completely mauled. His clothes were ripped to shreds and skin and muscle was barely hanging on. The boy's torso was the worst part. Blood spilled out of every tear and scratch, as well as organs.

Quackity gasped. "Why the hell would they show this live?"

"Shh," Sapnap snapped. "Listen."

"--death is recent and it can't be from a human. Our investigators say it has to be from an animal living in the forest surrounding us. We don't know what yet, but we will get the cause of this death as soon as we can. For now, we suggest avoiding the forest and being alone for the shortest time possible."

"What the fuck," George whispered. "And our school is almost completely surrounded by the trees!"

Dream was silent until he sighed, slipping his computer and notebooks into his bag. "Okay, I got to go. I'll see you guys tomorrow at school."

Sapnap started after him. "Wh--Dream! Didn't you just hear the TV?! At least wait until someone else is ready to go!"

Dream glanced over his shoulder, but continued walking to his car. "I'll be fine, Sap, promise. See ya."

He didn't wait to see what the others had to say as he stepped into his car, quickly getting out of the parking lot.

As Sapnap returned to the table, George asked, "Why did he react like that?"

Karl frowned. "Honestly, good question."

"Someone want to go see if he's okay?" Quackity asked.

George huffed and crossed his arms as he leaned back in his seat. "As if he'll tell us. He looked pissed for some sudden reason."

Yet, he still chewed on his bottom lip worriedly.

After another hour, the boys decided to say their goodbyes as they hopped into their own cars, driving off one by one and at some point splitting off in some direction.

Once he arrived at his house, he hopping out of his car, carrying his bag into the house before lazily dropping it on the tile floor. He couldn't tell if anyone was home at the moment, but the thought easily slipped through his mind as he made himself a sandwich and grabbed his bag again, heading into his room, kicking the door shut being him, and sitting down on his bed.

He scrolled through his phone, and unsurprisingly, the new of the murder had appeared in almost every headline. Slightly exagerrative, if he was truly being honest. Because honestly, it could have been a simple kill caused by an animal.

But yet again, another pause.

There were still houses near that section of the forest, what animal could have wandered by fearlessly and killed the young boy?

And, it wasn't during the night, the animals tended to come out and near the city during the night.

Sighing, he tried blocking out the thoughts that raced through his head as he put the plate on his bedside table and lied down, trying to fall asleep, but before he did, he begrudgingly turned on his alarm, dreading the next schoolday.

He woke up to the ringing of his alarm and he flung a blind arm out to shut it off.

After a few attempts, he managed and he lied there for a few seconds before getting up and brushing his teeth. He didn't shower (too lazy to), and instead jsut changed into a new set of clothes and trudged downstairs, waving a goodbye to his parents watching TV on the couch as he headed out the door.

He hopped into his car, turning the key and reluctantly starting to drive. The neighborhood was quiet enough during the morning. Only the sound of dogs barking and cars driving down the street made it to his ears.

It felt so... peaceful. The sun was barely rising, painting the sky the colors of rich pink and tinted orange.

Once he arrived at the highschool, he noticed Karl's and Sapnap's cars already parked, so he decided to park next to them.

When he glanced at the windows, there was nobody inside either vehicle, so George assumed they had already gone inside.

He grabbed his bag, hopped out of his car, and dragged himself inside the building.

It always felt so goddamn creepy inside the almost empty halls of the highschool.

Many of the unused lockers were open and when the wind managed to squeeze through the windows, the lockers would slam shut, echoing through the halls and scaring the hell out of the students.

George had sadly gotten used to it, so now he only jumped slightly.

A hand was placed gently on his shoulder just as he finished putting his stuff away and he jumped, spinning around quickly to find himself face to face with Sapnap, Karl giggling off in the corner.

George scowled. "Very funny."

Karl, still giggling, wrapped an arm around both George's and Sapnap's shoulders. "Aw, did poor Gogy not get enough sleep?"

George rolled his eyes, trying to fight a stupid grin. "I've told you, don't call me that stupid name."

Karl pouted. "Dream calls you that and you only tell him off when you're in a pissy mood."

Sapnap gave them wide eyes and said, "Because it's Dream."

"It's me? What about me?" A voice joined in.

The three stepped away to find Dream stopping next to them, throwing his stuff in the locker and slamming it before leaning back against the metal with arms crossed over his chest.

"George here is in a pissy mood it seems," Sapnap said.

"Fuck you both," George muttered.

Dream chuckled and ruffled George's hair. "Well, maybe he should get more sleep then."

George slapped the blond's chest, earning a bigger laugh.

"Where's Quackity?" Karl asked.

"Probably ditching school," Sapnap said. "But I bet his mom's going to make him come and he'll be here by lunch."

Karl shrugged. "I guess we'll see then."

The bell rung a few minutes later and Sapnap, Dream, and George waved goodbye to Karl as they headed to english.

"Do you think Mrs. Clarkson will be here again?" Dream asked.

That's when George remembered he never told the blond about what happened.

Sapnap shrugged. "I don't know, she gave us a shit ton more work than normal but it also seems like she doesn't give two fucks about anything."

George stayed silent, chewing on his lip.

Dream's question was answered once they entered the classroom.

Mrs. Clarkson was writing on the board—what they were supposed to do that day. George saw things like 'read pages 155-162 in the textbook' and 'finish the document'.

He sighed. "Damn it, I really didn't want to do anything."

Dream ruffled his hair. "Then let's not do it. C'mon you two, no one's sitting in their assigned seats, let's sit in the back."

The three went to the back row and all sat down in the seats. Mrs. Clarkson began speaking and George reluctantly pulled out his computer.

This was going to be a long day.

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