Chapter Twenty - One

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Today, they were eating lunch outside. It was nice, warm, a gentle blanket of sunlight. The five of them sat under a tree, the shade a contrast to the warmth of the sun.

Dream sat with his back against the tree. Karl was sitting next to him, and Quackity on the other side. Sapnap was lying on his back, staring up into the leaves as they talked. George was seemingly a large distance away from Dream. Afraid.

"So Dream," Sapnap said, "tell us about your little werewolf. When did this even start?"

"My little werewolf?" he echoed. "I am the werewolf, dude. I'm a werewolf. But, uh, it kind of just happened one day. When I was seven, we were camping one weekend and I was still awake. It was a full moon, and suddenly, I started to feel really sick, and it hurt. The first few forced transformations hurt like shit, it literally feels like your body's being torn apart from the inside-out. I obviously didn't know what was wrong, so I was panicking.

"I snuck out of the tent, because I didn't want my parents noticing and I ran a few minutes away from the campsite, and as I was running, I was transforming. I was scared as fuck. Not even a few minutes later, I was a werewolf. And I killed someone, taking a jog through the forest. My parents never found out. I returned, shocked and terrified. Before, though, I went into the river nearby to get all the blood off of me, because werewolves go for the heart, and digging for the heart makes your face so bloody. I put on a new set of clothes like it never happened."

"Damn," Karl said. "Imagine murdering someone at the age of seven."

Dream bared his teeth with a snarl. "It's not my fault."

"You know, I've always wondered how you could always make noises that sounded like a dog," Quackity said. "Now I know, and I'll be making fun of you for it."

Dream glanced over at George, but the brunet wasn't looking. His gaze was lost as he played with the strands of grass by his feet. Dream sighed, and a thought came to his mind.

Karl had told him that George liked him. Like he liked George.


Footsteps padded up to them. Dream looked up to see Malachi, Wilbur, and Nebula grinning as they walked up to the group.

"Dreamy boy!" Malachi exclaimed. "We've been looking for you."

Dream tilted his head. "Why? What's up?"

"We're wondering if you want to go get something to eat after school," Wilbur cut in, leaving Malachi with an open mouth.

Dream's lips twitched upwards. "Hunting? Or like Starbucks or something?"

Wilbur started, "Er--"

"Relax," Dream said. "They found out because of the full moon Saturday night. I may have transformed when we were at the festival. Also, speaking of that, we literally went on killing sprees on Saturday night, and we're going to hunt again?"

"No, there's a bit of a problem," Nebula told him. "About the murders. I feel like some people are catching on about the murderers not being something normal, like bears or a wolf pack--that's not so different from us, but whatever. And, a lot of us are seeing officers in the forest. And you've already been attacked."

George frowned. He finally looked up to give Dream a glare. "So that's what happened to your face, huh?"

Dream nodded. "Yeah, and there's a bit of a scar still on both my face and torso because the bullets had a bit of silver in it."

A growl slipped its way in when he said 'silver'. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Karl lower his head.

Malachi frowned. "What? Seriously? That's why they're not healing?"

Dream nodded again.


"Okay," Dream decided. "Where are we going to meet?"

Wilbur said, "My house. I think Techno dragged in a deer and it's starting to stink up the house. The pack's all going to be there 'cause we really need to have a little chat."

Nebula ruffled Dream's hair. Dream huffed. She smiled as they began walking away.


Dream flopped back on the huge couch sitting in the middle of the twins' spacious living room. Nebula sat down on one side of him, Vixen sat on the other, and on the ground between his legs sat Corpse.

Techno sighed from where he sat on a stool, hunched over with a hand running down his face. "We seriously need to be more careful as we're hunting these people. The police are now searching deeper into the forest and most of us have had an encounter with at least one officer. Also, Dream has already been hit. It seems like some of the bullets that police officers use now have a bit of silver in them."

"Then we'll start going after them," Ranboo said.

"That's risky," Vixen piped up. "What if they catch us on camera? We can't go for their cars either, they have dash-cams."

"Whenever you see a patrol, shift, howl, and see who shows up and then go for the patrol," Corpse said.

Dream fought the urge to frown.

George's dad.

An officer.

He ignored the thought.

"Okay," Dream said slowly. "But what about school?"

"What about it?" Wilbur parroted with a tilt of his head.

"We've killed a lot of students, and a few teachers--the ones we hate most, to be specific. What's going to happen when the school begins to get suspicious?" Dream asked.

Wilbur reached forward to tug a strand of flesh from the deer sitting in the middle of the living room. He chewed on it, blood staining his lips. "Then we'll be careful. It's fun, isn't it? Watching the school fear for their lives as one by one, somebody vanishes and we, the werewolves, don't have to worry about a thing."

Dream hummed, his only answer. He couldn't argue with that. It was exciting and fun.

"Oh, and one more thing," Rhoden said, a small boy sitting on the armrest of the couch, "remember all of our friend groups are off limits. No killing him."

The other mumbled their agreement, except Malachi. He opened his mouth, but Wilbur interrupted him.

"Malachi," he said, "I get you're a lonely little bitch, but that doesn't mean you can go after our friends."

Malachi responded with a snarl, but when Wilbur snarled back, he sighed and nodded, sinking dramatically into the soft cushions of one of the long couches.

Raine appeared through the glass back doors, grinning wide from ear to ear. "I can smell so many humans out here in the forest, who's coming?"

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