Chapter Thirty - One

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Dream panicked slightly as he lifted his head to get a scent of anyone captured-Nebula, Techno, or Raine.

He caught Raine's, and if he could smell one, others would be nearby.

Dream took off running, howling with a lift of his head and calling to anyone near him, determined to get to the captured before it was too late.

He shoved through the crowds of screaming humans; snarling and snapping his jaws, and swinging his arms around wildly, weakly attempting to snatch a victim in his grasp.

A huge roar caused Dream to snap his head towards the left, Ranboo was running up to him with ears pinned to his head.

Wilbur... Wilbur and Malachi have been taken as well. Wil told me to run, he growled.

Dream almost stumbled at the news. Fuck.

I know, I have their scent, and I think I know which containment center they're going to. I think it's been made just for us, Ranboo caught up to Dream's speed.

Did you see them get taken? the gray werewolf asked another question, taking the information and holding it tightly.

They were thrown into cages made of both glass and iron, Ranboo swerved right, Dream followed. They were also tranquilized and muzzled.


Yeah, I know.

The two slowed when they lost the scents, confused.

Dream growled and bent down to sniff the ground, claws clicking against the pavement. He looked over at Ranboo.

Ranboo shrugged with his enormous shoulders and sat down.

Something suddenly shot into his neck. Followed by another whizz and Ranboo stumbling.

Dream brought a clawed hand to his neck, eyes widening when he realized that it was a dart that pierced him.

A tranquilizer dart, no doubt.

Once another shot him, he stumbled, legs collapsing beneath him as his vision clouded.

He could see figures walking up to them, he heard Ranboo snarl before silence overtook them.


It felt like he was floating down an endless path as voices spoke around him. He felt paralyzed, unable to use anything except his brain.

Dream was just barely conscious enough to realize he was being taken on an iron platform surrounded by bars, rolled into the unknown.

"Another? How many do we have now?"


"Gorgeous creatures, too bad they're evil things."

"Where's your son? Is he safe?"

"Safe in another room, yes."

"Anyway, speaking of gorgeous, we have a pure white and a black and white, if you'd like to check 'em out once they're drugged and placed in containments."

"Should we really be doing this?" A new voice. "I mean, they're humans after all."

"Yet they're monsters beneath everything."

Dream was finally awake when he was thrown into a containment room made of glass and iron.

And the man standing before him was George's dad.

Dream bared his teeth, stumbling forward to throw himself at the iron bars, hands clenching around the cool surface, as he snarled, red saliva slowly dripping down his lips.

Mr. Davidson smiled. "Hello boy, you're a savage, aren't you? I'd love to know who you are beneath this monster, but I doubt you would show me."

Dream slammed his flank against the iron, hoping to make a dent. Though, it would be useless because of the glass on the other side, a barrier between the cage and the man watching.

Footsteps came their way and Dream almost immediately stopped attempting to break the iron bars. It was George who walked up to Mr. Davidson, not yet noticing who was trapped on the other side.

"Dad!" George exclaimed. "What the hell is this? You said they're monsters, they're not supposed to be used as experiments and pets!"

"Yeah?" Mr. Davidson said, leaning against the glass. "So what do you want us to do with them? Kill 'em? And I know there's not only five of them."

George met Dream's gaze, and the brunet's eyes widened. "Relocate them?"

Carefully, he continued and asked, "What are you doing with this one? He's so isolated from the rest."

"I like this one," Mr. Davidson said. "Quite a savage, and he's bigger, so I assume he's some sort of alpha or leader."

Dream huffed. Well, no, that's the twins. I'm second in command. I'm just a big-ass werewolf.

Mr. Davidson stood up straight again, ruffling George's hair. "I'm gonna go chat with the others, see if we can capture anymore, 'k bud? Call me if you need anything."

Dream watched as the officer vanished and George immediately pressed a hand up to the glass, eyes suddenly turning glossy.

"I'm so sorry, babe," he said.

The werewolf reached between the iron bars and placed his own hand flat against the glass, opposite side of George's. He transformed.

"It's not your fault, you didn't have anything to do with any of us getting caught. You wanted to help. Karl fucked us up, not you."

Footsteps echoed and Dream quickly transformed.

When the officer passed by, he waved politely at George before disappearing.

As the officer did, George unlocked the door sitting at the edge of the glass. He then walked to the iron and pulled out a key. Dream assumed that he had either received them or stolen them off of someone's belt.

Dream whined, tilting his head.

George said, "I'm coming in, I can't let them see you as a monster."

Dream watched as George climbed in and sat down against a white wall. He lowered his head as George patted the ground beside.

The werewolf walked over, making himself comfortable as he laid his head on George's lap.

His eyes slowly closed as George ran his fingers through his fur. He felt so safe.

He never fell asleep, only listened slightly as George rambled about anything and everything. Oh, how he loved his boyfriend so much.

George bent over to kiss Dream's furry head. "I'm going to do everything I can to make sure you come back to me."

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