Chapter Twenty - Nine

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George followed after Dream, trusting that his boyfriend could single out Karl.

But Dream was going in circles, growling in annoyance as he kept finding himself in the same spots over and over again.

George gripped Dream’s arm, keeping close. “Forget about your smell for a second. Where would Karl go?”

Dream frowned and said, “I don’t know, that’s the thing. He’s been acting so strange ever since that night at the carni--”

He paused.

George frowned as well. “What? What’s wrong?”

Dream’s top lip twitched, revealing dangerous teeth. “Fuck. I think I know what he did, and what I’m hearing is confirming my thoughts.”


Dream didn’t answer. Instead, he quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket and dragged George  to the basement door--the one that was off limits to all party guests.

The smell told George why this room was off limits.

As if reading George’s thoughts, Dream said, “Yeah, this is our pack room, where we all hangout, it probably smells like shit and carcasses… sorry I guess.”

George laughed. “Oh yeah, it does.”

Dream flopped back onto the couch, typing quickly. “Karl called the cops.”

The brunet stumbled over his words, and probably physically too as he walked over to sit down next to Dream. “What the fuck. Wha- why?”

Dream shrugged. “I don’t know, but I have a feeling it’s got to do with the pack all being here. He turned his fuckin’ back on us and we’re going to have to figure something out.”

“What are you going to do with the rest of the pack? And everybody here at the party?” George asked.

“I texted them to come down here,” Dream said. “And Techno and Wilbur can deal with the others.”

As if it was a response, footsteps thundered down the staircase, revealing one (supposedly) werewolf after another.

“Karl called the cops. Not on the party, but on us, the werewolves. Each and every one of us is here tonight,” Dream said as soon as all of them got comfortable.

A growl slipped through someone’s lips, George couldn’t tell who. “What the fuck. We’re done, we’re completely done. Our backs were fuckin’ stabbed. We trusted your friends, Dream.”

Dream bared his teeth. “Yeah, and I did too. Currently, it’s only one of them. And hell, my boyfriend’s still by my side. Plus, don’t you remember that he was the one that gave George the silver bullets?”

Corpse huffed. “So that motherfucker was probably planning this.”

Techno sighed and said, “Okay, relax, all of you, seriously, y’all look like idiots when you’re half man and half wolf.”

George laughed when a synchronized growl echoed throughout the basement.

“So what are we going to do?” a girl asked.

George stood up. “While you guys figure something out down here, I’ll go and look for Karl, see if I can get an insight and tell you guys.”

He didn’t wait for their answers, and instead hurried back up the stairs and entered the main floor nonchalantly.

After a couple minutes of looking, George spotted Karl talking to Sapnap, he waited until the ravenette walked away to head up to Karl.

George smiled and said, “Karl! Where were you? Dream and I were looking for you.”

Karl leaned back against the counter. “My sister was calling.”

That lie didn’t hold at all. George frowned. “Your sister doesn’t have a phone.”

Karl sighed, and his lips twitched into an unnerving smile. He said, “Yeah, you’re right. I’d tell you, but I don’t know if I trust you.”

Wow, Karl, talk about trust.

George pretended to think for a moment. “Is it about the werewolves? I don't like them either, dude.”

Karl narrowed his eyes. “Really?”

George nodded. He felt like a traitor. “I’m serious dude. They keep killing people and even the kids at school. It’s like hundreds of people now.”

Karl debated for a couple of seconds. “Okay… fine. I called the cops on the werewolves, I know they’re probably going to crash the party, but who knows, maybe people will be okay with it if they know it’s because the werewolves are here.”

“Who?” George asked innocently.

“Dream, obviously, “ Karl said. “But I also think it’s Corpse, Ranboo, the twins… there’s got to be more, but Dream talks to those guys a lot, and in secret.”


George’s phone rang before he could say anything. He pulled it out, immediately backing away from Karl when he saw his boyfriend’s name--well nickname: Oversized Dog.

“I’ll see you later!” he called, hurrying to turn a corner and answer his phone.

“George!” Dream exclaimed. “Most of us are in the forest, a couple of us stayed back in the basement. That’s me, plus Ranboo, Corpse, and Vixen. Come down, carefully, I don’t want anyone following you down somehow.”

“Okay, I’m coming. Karl did call the cops on you, he confirmed it,” George said.


“Yeah, I know.”

George hung up as he entered the basement, heart dropping and bouncing as he saw a black werewolf lying on a bean bag.

“That’s Corpse, by the way,” Ranboo said. “Our smell is better when we transform so he’s going to be like that for a bit.”

The werewolf grumbled, ears twitching.

Dream laughed, “No we’re not, don’t be a dick.”

He then turned to George. “We can communicate. But, anyway, was that all you figured out?”

George nodded. “Yeah, I don’t know when, but to be honest, you guys should just leave. Or tell everybody that there’s an emergency, so they all have to leave.”

Ranboo scoffed. “As if that’ll work.”

Corpse grumbled again, standing up and walking eerily over to the kitchen--eerie because he walked like a human.

And that’s when all three of the werewolves’ heads jerked to the staircase.

Dream cursed. Ranboo began shifting between wolf and man, and Corpse snarled.

“Fuck,” George said. “You all need to leave, now.”

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