Chapter Thirty

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He heard it before George even said anything. Sirens wailed and voices boomed through speakers.

Corpse snarled immediately. They’re here. We need to get to the forest or we’re fucked.

“Obviously,” Ranboo snapped. “But what happens if one of us gets caught, in human or wolf form?”

Before Dream could answer, Corpse said, Well, we’re definitely not leaving anyone behind.

Dream glared at him as he walked over to George and grasped his hand. “I know that, I’ll think of something. But, right now, get to the forest with the others, Ranboo, start telling people to leave because there’s been an emergency, and George--”

“I’m staying with you,” George said immediately.

The other two werewolves glanced at each other and left.

“Love, if shit happens…” Dream began.

“Like what? Some sort of fight between you and the officers? Yeah, I’m aware that can happen, but I know my dad’s here, and I need you to promise me that you won’t do anything terrible to him,” George said firmly.

Dream sighed. He muttered, “I’ll try, but there’s no promises, love.”

George chewed on his bottom lip and Dream’s heart tore at his worried expression. “Okay… okay, that’s reasonable, but you also have to promise to come back to me alive.”

If I don’t die, I get caught, I know it. I’ll walk out alive but not to you.

Out loud, Dream promised, “Okay. I will, I promise.”

George forced a smile and kissed Dream gently. “I’ll go and find Sap and Quackity, see if they know anything about Karl. And, I bet Karl’s out there talking to the police.”

Dream nodded. “I’ll sneak out.”

With that, Dream let a part of him shift; his sense grew stronger, his teeth elongated more than they already are, and his vision turned into one of a werewolf’s.

He quickly hurried up the flight up stairs, and then to the next flight of stairs that led to the second floor. He found an open window and silently crept onto the roof.

Ducking behind a tall piece, Dream watched and listened to the police talk to Karl.

“So you found the reasons for the murders?” an officer asked.

“Yeah,” Karl said. “You guys confirmed that it was werewolves, even though they are supernatural creatures. I know who some of them are.”

Dream swallowed down a snarl.


A fucking traitor.

He crept over to the side of the house and carefully made his way to the ground. He raised his head to let in all the scents around the area, and he could recognize the werewolves, Karl, police officers, the forest, and animals hidden within the overgrown greenery.

Dream shifted and hurried into the forest, looking for the others.

He finally saw Wilbur, and the closer he got, the more werewolves he saw.

Is everyone here? He asked.

Wilbur nodded and a deep rumble came from chest. Yeah, everyone’s here, but Nebula, Raine, and Techno are out looking around.

Dream frowned. What if they get caught?

Wilbur didn’t look too worried. They’ll howl. They know what to do.

And if we can’t save them?


A growl. Wilbur said, We’ll figure something out.

And it was as if the devil was having a field day.

Howls echoed throughout the forest--pained and shocked howls followed by gunshots and sirens.

The pack sprung from their resting places and ran through the trees--four legs, two legs, some even leaped from tree trunk to tree trunk.

When the city was back in view, Dream leaped for a police car, claws sliced through the metal, and his jaws clamped over the officer inside. He lifted his head, snarling as blood and gore began leaking from his jaws and he swallowed. Remaining bones fell to the ground and he continued to shove his way through the wailing cars and screaming people.

Other werewolves grabbed onto regular citizens and police officers, tearing them apart limb for limb.

Ranboo swiped for a young girl that Dream recognized from their school. The black and white werewolf’s paws scrambled beneath him as he chased the girl, jaws snapping wildly and tinted saliva flinging from his lips.

A scream followed, and then silence.

Dream heard a growl come from Ranboo. Whoops. I think I just saw her friends.

Dream laughed, rolling his eyes and he tore into skin and bone. That’s fucked up, dude.

Hush, I’m after a police officer.

As Dream chased after a young boy who’s surprisingly much faster than he expected, he made a sharp turn, losing the boy as he scrambled to a halt, but not before noticing a familiar face, Sapnap, hurrying into his house.

Dream shifted and ran up to him before the ravenette could make any noises. “Sapnap!”

Sapnap spun, fear in his face. “Dream! What the hell is happening?”

The blond spluttered, “Um… exactly what it looks like?”

Sapnap's frown was full of shocked outrage. “Werewolves killing everyone?!”

“Listen,” Dream said, a growl slipping into his voice, “my friends are somewhere out there, taken by fuckin’ police officers, and I prefer getting to them before they get put in jail, or put down like fucking dogs.”

“Okay,” Sapnap said. “I get it, okay? You want to save your friends, but is it really the greatest idea to go on a rampage?”

“Yes,” Dream snapped. “Now get inside, because even though I have told the pack multiple times to not touch my friends, but because our pack is in danger, who knows what they’ll do to get them back.”

Sapnap sighed and entered his house without a noise.

Dream shifted again and chased after a police officer. When the radio fell off the officer’s clothing, the werewolf picked it up between two large claws. He lifted it up to his ear as he tilted his head, listening carefully to the voice coming through.

"Each monster has been caught. I repeat, each monster has been caught. They are being taken to the containments we have prepared. Everyone carefully get out of here and call for backup for the wounded and dead."

Dream's stomach dropped.

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