Chapter Twenty - Two

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George stared out the window beside his bed. His chin rested on his knees that were pulled up close to his chest.

It was dark outside. The moon was hidden behind the dark clouds, surrounded by the dim glow of the stars around it.

He watched the forest sitting behind his backyard, and every little movement never went unnoticed. Even the simple rustle of the branches caused him to watch the trees carefully.

Ever since Dream had transformed in front of them, he'd always watch the forest, looking for any signs of a creature that wasn't from this world.

To be honest, it scared him.

He's never liked the forest anyway, and knowing that werewolves lived in it wasn't any better. And, his dad as well, being one of the detectives who were on the case of all the murders happening. He didn't like it.

He didn't know what to think of Dream. He didn't know whether to be scared of the boy, or whether to just pretend there was nothing wrong.

And now that he knew about the werewolves, he didn't know what to think of his crush on Dream.

The wind gently blew the hair out of his face as it squeezed through the window, and George closed his eyes, sighing heavily as thoughts drowned him.

A loud thud caused his eyes to snap back open, and he immediately knew it came from the forest.

George pushed himself off the bed and stepped up to the window, and his eyes widened as a gray werewolf stepped out of the cover of the branches. It had to be Dream, he could recognize the soft patterns of its pelt from that night.

The werewolf--Dream--stalked along the empty street on his powerful hind legs. It looked like he was looking for something, or someone.

George held his breath, as if the werewolf would be able to hear him from a good amount of feet away. He watched as Dream made some sort of chuffing sound and more branches rustled until other werewolves appeared of all dark colors, though some were pretty white.

They all crouched on four legs and began trotting through the neighborhood, but Dream stayed put.

Instead, the gray werewolf looked right at George's window, and George swore his ears pinned against his head for a second before running off to catch up with the others.

Perhaps he imagined it.

The curiosity that pulsed inside him urged him to hurry downstairs and out the door to see the werewolf, but, he was still pissed at Dream, which surpassed the curiosity and he only sat back down on the bed and hopped onto his phone, trying to forget the thoughts.

His phone buzzed with a text from Sapnap, asking the group if they wanted to hang out.

George laughed at the irony that was hidden beneath it, knowing that Dream wouldn't see it until a few hours. Karl answered with a yes, Quackity said yes as well, and George simply said no, the soft anger evident behind the text.

Another buzz.

George sighed and clicked on it, surprised to see that the text was from Dream, in their private messages.

The text asked him to go out to the forest behind his house.

George frowned and answered with a question of how he was typing this and why.

The bubbles bounced up and down for a while.

Dream answered by saying that he had transformed back to ask the question, and because he wanted to see him.

The text was followed by a call.

Sighing, George answered it, and he was quickly met with panting coming from the other side--it sounded dog-like--but he couldn't see anything except for the silhouette of leaves.

''George!" Dream exclaimed. "Come meet me behind your house, I want to show you something."

George frowned and then asked, "What? Show me what?"

"Just something," Dream said. "Please? Pretty please."

George ignored how his voice sounded. Instead, he thought for a moment before saying, "Fine, but you better be there."

"Already there."

George rolled his eyes and ended the call as he walked downstairs quietly, careful to not wake anybody up. He slipped through the back door and cautiously walked to the end of his backyard, where it met the forest.

"Dream?" he called softly.


George's head snapped in the direction where his voice came from, and following the response came a rustle of leaves and then Dream appeared, somewhat covered in dirt and leaves.

Dream gave him a lopsided grin and he grasped George's wrist, dragging him into the forest. "I want to show you my favorite spot here in the forest."

George tilted his head, only using a bit of his strength in an attempt to get out of Dream's grip. "Okay, remember that I am still pissed at you, and also, why?"

Dream huffed. "Yeah, yeah, I know. And, uh, I don't know, I kind of just want to show you, know one else knows, not my friends, not my pack."

"And that's supposed to make me feel special?''

Dream growled. "Shut up."

George suppressed his giggle at Dream's face. "I'm kidding."

There was comfortable silence between as Dream continued to drag George through the forest. In this silence, George swore Dream could hear his heartbeat.

As if in response to his wonder, Dream said, "Georgie, you've got to relax, nothing's going to happen to you out here, I promise."

He was subconsciously pressed close to Dream. "How'd you get that? Can you hear my heartbeat?"

Dream shrugged. "Yeah, pretty much. But, you're also really stiff and your scent is full of fear."

"Oh,'' he mumbled, ducking his head.

When he raised his head again, he let out a quiet gasp.

A river flowed through the trees, almost sparkling with the reflection of the night sky. A lilypad rested on the surface in a few areas, traveling down the river slowly. On a few branches, dim lamps hung from them, giving the area a soft, golden glow.

"Wow," George said. "How the hell did you find this?"

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