Chapter Seventeen

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He went to school the next day, no Dream.

Same with the next, and the next, until Friday finally came and when George arrived at school and began walking to his locker, there Dream stood, talking with Corpse.

His hair was over his face, so George couldn't see any facial expression.

But, as he neared, he could overhear some of their conversation.

"It's been five days!" Corpse exclaimed quietly. "And they're still there?"

Dream nodded—or, George thought— "Yeah, it's weird, and it still kind of hurts like shit. Also, one side of my face looks kind of fucked up. I think the one on my face and the entire side of my torso is..."

His voice vanished into a whisper when they realized George was approaching.

Corpse gave him a look that he couldn't figure out what it meant, and then walked away, meeting with Wilbur and an unfamiliar boy.

With sudden annoyance and anger, George yanked Dream to face him. "What the fuck! You don't come to school and don't even answer any of our texts. Why? And don't give me a bullshit answer."

Dream opened his mouth. "I... I had to deal with family problems... grandparents."

When the blond shifted his head, George's eyes widened as he took the time to notice Dream's face.

The left side of his face was bruised and scabbing, with dried blood still around wounds, as if the blond didn't bother to wash it off. His eye twitched every so often, and George noticed that it had a weird tint to it. His eyelid was cut.

"Wha- what the fuck happened? I suppose your 'family issues' help explain your face?" George snapped.

Dream huffed—a huff that George didn't typically hear coming from the students, almost inhumane he supposed—and said, "No, I got into a... fight with some people when my family went to help my mom's parents, and this happened."

His voice was filled with something that caused George to soften. Damn his stupid crush on the boy who's face was mere inches away from his.

He lifted a hand to Dream's chin, tilting the taller boy's head up and to the side to get a good look at his face. He frowned. "Did you ever go to the doctor?"

Dream stiffened slightly, rapid breaths leaving his nose. "No, I took care of it."

George swore something flashed in Dream's eyes. Not an emotion, but a shift of color, for a split second.

Dream lifted a hand and wrapped his fingers around George's wrist, lowering it between them. "I promise. Now, I seriously have way too many things I want to do at the festival, and I'm going to tell you all about 'em!"

He bounced like an excited puppy, leading George down the hall and to their class.


"Wait! Oh my god, what about Tug of War? I swear I'm going to kick all of your guys' asses!" Dream skipped around George. "Oh! And that dunk tank too! There's also—"

George shoved the blond into a seat, placing a finger over his pale lips, butterflies immediately flooding his stomach at the touch. "Okay, we can definitely do all that stuff but you seriously need to calm to fuck down, dude. You're acting like a dog."

He sat down next to him, not noticing the grin that Dream gave him.

Sapnap was on the opposite side of the room, talking with other students. But, when he heard Dream's voice, his head snapped over and he waved happily.

Dream kept his hood up, so there wouldn't be as much curious gazes on him because of his face.

During fourth and fifth period, George couldn't get Dream and his face out of his mind. The injuries looked severe, something rare to walk out with after a street fight.

An inner voice told him to ask Dream during lunch, but for some reason, he knew he wouldn't get an answer.

When lunch came, he forced himself to sit down without asking any questions.

Beside him, Quackity gasped, "Dream! What the fuck happened?"

Dream shrugged from across the table, sitting in between Wilbur and Techno. "Got into a fight when I had to go to my Mom's grandparents."

Wilbur let out a huff, as if he laughed.

"Do they live here?" Quackity asked.

Dream nodded slowly. "Uh, yeah. It's a few hours away and we had to drive back and forth."

His voice was quiet, an indication that he wanted this topic to drop.

Conversations kept rolling through as lunch went on and George finally found himself forgetting about Dream's face. He laughed as he spoke with Ranboo and Sapnap and completely choked on that laughter when Corpse spilt his soda all over his hoodie.

Lunch ended, and a couple hours later, school ended.

Footsteps gently pattered against the road and an arm wrapped around George's shoulders, pulling him tightly against the other person's body.

"George! Can you pick me up tomorrow?" he asked. Dream.

George tilted his head as they continued walking, unaware that it was onto Dream's arm. "Well yes, but why?"

Dream gave him a lopsided grin. "I don't want to drive there. Karl told me that it's like a thirty to forty-five drive."

George rolled his eyes and spun out of Dream's grip, placing a hand on the handle of his car's door. "Mmm, let me think."

Dream's eyes widened dramatically with a pout. "Please."

With another roll of his eyes, George said, "Fine."

The blond perked back up. "Yay! Okay! See you tomorrow then!"

Many thoughts in his mind wandered about as he watched Dream walk away.

He was in such a good mood today, yet he still frowned whenever Corpse or Techno spoke to him.

And most of all, something that's haunted him all day.

Was he really in an alleyway fight?

Where did he get those wounds from?

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