Chapter Twenty

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Dream instantly ended the call, aware that it stopped Karl mid-sentence. He showed Karl his werewolf half and a few hours later, he's giving George silver bullets, telling him to give them to his dad, who's working on the case that involves werewolves.

Too many thoughts were going through his mind. Anger, pain, betrayal, anything along those lines.

He snarled, gripping his hair as he fell onto his back, landing softly on the pillows of his bed. His eyesight was changing. He forced himself to slow the wanted transformation. What would be the point? Yeah, he was fucking angry at Karl, but showing up at his doorstep as a werewolf wouldn't be that greatest idea.

Instead, Dream sucked in a breath, watching himself in a faraway mirror as his hair shrunk back to it's normal length and his eyes became humane instead of animalistic.

He pushed off the bed and went downstairs. He slipped on his shoes and went to his car, hopping in and beginning to drive to George's home.

The drive to George's house felt ten times longer as he arrived. He took a deep breath before stepping out of the car and walking up to the front door.

He paused.

He knocked.

He waited.

The door creaked open and Dream reluctantly looked at the person in front of him. George's dad.

He smiled. "Dream! It's good to see you!"

Dream forced a toothless smile, more like a grimace. "Hi, Mr. Davidson, is George here?"

Mr. Davidson opened the door wider and stepped out of the way to let Dream inside the house. Dream did.

"He's upstairs in his room, he was asleep like an hour ago, but I'm sure he's awake now, I heard movement up there. Go ahead. I hope you guys had fun last night," his dad said.

Dream forced a bigger smile. "Of course, it was fun."

Leaving the awkward conversation, Dream headed upstairs and to George's room. He paused for a second, debating whether he should knock or just walk in.

He decided on knocking, and it was only a few seconds before a voice called, "Come in!"

Dream took another deep breath and opened the door carefully, and he saw George on his bed, typing away on his phone, not looking up from the screen.

When George finally did look up, he gasped and practically jumped from the bed. "Dre- no, leave, Dream, whatever you want to say, swallow it right back down because I'm not going to hear it."

Dream sighed and kept his distance from the brunet. "Okay, I won't, but... I have another question. Did you give your dad the bullets?"

George froze. "How do you know about them?"

"Because Karl told me he told you to give them to your dad, so did you?"

"Yeah, I did," George said. "But how was I supposed to know it was because of werewolves? For all I used to fucking know, they were fake! And now here you are, standing right in front of me, my best friend for years, a werewolf."

"I'm sorry," Dream whispered. "I wanted to tell you guys but I was scared that--"

"That what?" George snapped. "That we'd be mad at you? Because you're right, we'd probably be, or maybe a bit scared. But it wouldn't been a lot better if it wasn't on a full fucking moon where you change and scare the shit out of us and acted like you didn't even recognize us, because afterwards, Karl told me that when you showed him, you recognized him and could easily... transform back and forth."

Dream sighed, "Yeah, so, if you want to know why, it's because us werewolves can transform at any time, how much of our body we want, like or hands, teeth, ears, whatever, and we still have the minds of our human selves, but on full moons, it's like a movie. We transform uncontrollably, our clothes rip, and we lose our minds, it's just hunger, rage, desire, and just the urge to kill."

"Yeah, we saw a bit of that," George said quietly.

Dream stepped into the room carefully, slowly, cautiously, and sat on the bed, very aware that George took a few steps backwards. "I'm sorry, okay? I really am."

The last of his sentences turned into a whisper. George looked away, eyes never meeting Dream again.

Dream sighed and stood up, he walked out of the door, and faked the cheery goodbye he gave Mr. Davidson as he headed out the door and hopped into his car.


He dreaded getting up the next morning, but he did, after ten minutes of staring at the ceiling. He threw on a crew neck and jeans and walked downstairs. He said goodbye to his parents and walked out the door to his car.

He dreaded the drive to Winterfest Highschool. He dreaded getting out of the car. He dreaded the walk to the front doors. He dreaded walking down the hallway. He dreaded seeing his friends all in front of their lockers.

When Dream walked up to them, he sucked in his breath, not daring to breathe as he opened his locker and threw his things in.

Quackity grabbed him by the arm and Dream was surprised that he was dragged sideways with so much force.

"Oh, my god, Dream!" he exclaimed. "Why the hell didn't you tell us you were a--"

Dream slapped a hand over his mouth, and bared his teeth. "Quiet! Don't want the whole school hearing that, do we? Might believe you, might not, but there've also been murders and it'll get kind of suspicious."

Karl's eyes widened. "You're saying that you're part of the murders?"

Dream chewed on his lip and shrugged. "I haven't done too much of it, most of it is my friends."

Another voice joined their conversation.

"Oh, you have so much explaining to do."

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