Chapter Ten

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"You're mad at me," a voice said behind him. He scowled and sped up his pace as he made his way to the car. Of course Dream was here as well.

"George," Dream's voice drawled out into a whine. "Please, just talk, or just listen to me."

"No shit—to the first part," George snapped. "And no, go away, Dream."

"And what do you want to say?" He added, still keeping a quick pace to his car in the slowly-growing empty parking lot.

"Just," Dream paused for a second, "I'm sorry. I just- it was just something that I discussed earlier with them, before the party."

"Something so important or secretive that Sapnap and me couldn't have heard it? We had to leave?" George prompted, glancing over his shoulder ever so slightly.


George snorted mockingly. "Yeah, that's what I thought, and what I'm thinking now is that you didn't want to tell us."

He opened the door to the driver's seat and hopped in, slamming the door as Dream opened his mouth to speak. Yet, the blond still mouthed the word, 'sorry'.


He opened the front door to his house, eyes landing on his mom in the kitchen, making dinner and her own eyes strained on the TV, where the news was playing.

She looked over at him. "Where were you?"

"I was looking for some ice cream at the store, since Quackity ate the last of it. But, I couldn't find the one I wanted."

He then asked, "Where's dad?"

His mom sighed, "He's been put on one of the scariest cases we've seen in a while. Having to do with all the crazy murders happening near the woods. He's one of the ones in charge, so he's going to be out a lot... looking for whoever is causing this."

George frowned.

His mom said, "Please, be careful, a lot of kids from your school have either gone missing or killed. And, you're english teacher was killed as well."

George's eyes widened and his mouth dropped slightly ajar. "I- wait, wha- since when?!"

"We were told last night," his mom said.

Shock coursed through him. Up and down his veins, clouding his thoughts. 

At that very moment, it was when it hit him. There school was slowly losing students, because of murder. And he was no different, so he as well, was in danger.

George groaned, dragging a hand down his face. "Okay, I need time to process what the fuck you just said. I'll be in my room."

"Language," his mom snapped, but a playful gleam we held in her eyes.

George chuckled, "Sorry, but seriously, I'll be up in my room if you need me."

As George entered his room, shutting the the door behind him, his phone rang. Karl was calling their group chat.

He picked up, seeing either the faces or rooms of Karl and Quackity, Sapnap followed quickly.

"Did you guys hear?" Karl asked.

"Yeah, my mom just told me," George said. "What the hell is happening?"

"Now that's a good question, and it's kind of scary," Quackity said.

Sapnap sighed, Karl said, "Well, do you guys wanna have a sleepover at my house tonight? Just the five of us, and we can just drive to school together."

"Speaking of the five of us," Quackity echoed, "where's Dream?"

George chewed on the insides of his cheeks, brows lowering absentmindedly. "I saw him at the store, he's probably still there."

"I'll just text him and ask," Karl said. "We can have one at my house. You can turn up whenever later in the evening."

"Has he been acting weird to you guys?" Quackity asked.

"No," Karl replied. "Why?"

"Because it seems like he has some sort of secret. And he whispers a lot with Corpse and Techno," Quackity explained.

Sapnap sighed heavily behind his screen. "Yeah, he has. Uh, two nights—the party—Techno, Ranboo, Nebula, George and me found him and Corpse suspiciously in a room—no not that, Karl stop it—and George and I were not allowed to know, and I've asked him a few times."

George rubbed his eyes, echoing Sapnap's sigh. "I get we all hide something every so often with each other but I just... I don't know, I don't like it. It seems bad."

Another sigh, followed by Karl saying, "We can ask him tonight then, see what he says. Maybe he'll spill, if not, he doesn't get my amazing brownies."

Quackity began, "Your brownies are sh—"

"They are not!" Sapnap snapped quickly. "Shut the fuck up and do not finish that sentence."

"Someone better back me up here," Quackity said.

George shrugged. "Can't. 'Cause Sap's right, his brownies are so good."

Quackity scoffed. "Whatever, I'm sure Dreamy would agree."

"You forgot the time where he got a stomach ache from eating the entire batch," Sapnap said. George laughed.

"I- you guys are dicks, I'll see you guys later!" 


short chapter, sorry :(

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