Thirty - Three

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There was a knock on the window that overlooked the forest.

Frowning, George walked over to see Dream—in human form— barely hanging from the windowsill, bloody and battered.

Shocked, George opened the window and Dream practically stumbled in with only a torn blanket around his waist.

"Dream!" He exclaimed. "What the hell happened?"

"Well," Dream mumbled, "We got out, murdered a co—bunch—of people, and then I didn't want to run home so I came to you. I said I'd come back to you, right?"

George smiled. "Goddamnit you idiot."

Nevertheless, he helped Dream to his feet and kissed him.

Dream kissed back, and when he pulled away, he asked, "Can I use your shower?"

George frowned. "You're practically using me to stand up, I don't think you can use the shower. Get into the tub and I'll find you some clothes."

Dream smiled, "Thank you, love."

As George carefully backed away, Dream used the walls for support as he headed into the bathroom and shut the door behind him.

George went to his dresser and pulled out a pair of sweatpants, an oversized shirt, and a pair of boxers.

After a couple of minutes, he knocked on the door. "Can I come in?"

There was a hum, and he stepped in to see Dream sitting in soapy water already dyed red with blood.

He sighed as he went over to sit at the edge of the tub. "Are you doing okay?"

Dream shrugged and said, "As okay as I can be."

George ran his fingers through Dream's hair, letting a smile form on his face and the blond relaxed his posture and dropped his head back with closed eyes, a rumble coming from his chest.

"Is anyone home?" he asked.

"No," George said. "My dad hasn't come home and my mom isn't either, so you won't be seen."

Dream hummed.

There was comfortable silence as George wordlessly helped Dream scrub off the blood from his chest, arms, and hair.

When Dream was finished, George exited to bathroom to let him get dressed.

Dream came out of the bathroom soon later and climbed onto the bed, scrambling to lay on top of George and bury his nose in the crook of George's neck.

"Your sweats are a bit small," he said.

George laughed. "Well I'm sorry that you're a giant."

Dream huffed. George ran his fingers through the blond hair again gently, hoping it would help Dream relax a little more.

"So, what really happened?" George asked. "Give me more details."

"Well, since it was a full moon, I don't remember much. But, from what I do, we all were running around and practically killing everyone in our way. They fought back with bullets but no fully silver ones hit us, so we just came out with cuts and bruises."

George sighed. "I hate that, but I'm glad you're okay."

"We're going to make this relationship work," Dream said. "Like... werewolf and all."

George smiled. "I know, silly."

"I love you."

"I love you too."


that's a wrap, ladies and gentlemen and everything in between. i know it's short, but as i said, i lost motivation AND im super excited to give you guys the next book.

it's another singer au :D

remember to go grab yourself a snack and a drink of water, you deserve it <3

until next time,


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