Chapter Twenty - Seven

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Malachi sat up from where he was sprawled on the couch with a snarl, teeth bared in Dream's direction. "What do you mean, we shouldn't attack the officers? They're the ones who have the goddamn silver bullets, which, let me remind you, kills us, and there's no way to stop it."

Dream curled his lip in response. "Relax, I'm just saying, we could get into some deep shit if they catch us as werewolves, and then catch us in human form."

Malachi's frown of outrage turned into a sneer. "It's because of your human boyfriend, isn't it? His poor little daddy is one of those police officers, and you don't want him getting his heart all broken because he daddy died to us, and then he'll blame--"

"All right, enough," Ranboo snapped. "Seriously? You're acting like children."

From where Dream leaned against the kitchen counter, he pulled the bone he chewed on away from his mouth. "I'm acting like a child? Malachi's the one who's pouting over the fact that I'm saying we shouldn't kill the police."

"You're just protecting your boyfriend's little daddy," Malachi retorted.

"No." Yes. "I'm protecting our asses."


"Because say we do get caught transforming, it's technically us who's killing all these people, who have killed over seventy students, plus everybody else," Dream said. "We'll be charged for murder and probably be stuck in prison for life."

"Or put down like a fucking dog," Vixen muttered from where she sat on the couch.

Both Dream and Malachi glared at her.

She smiled innocently. "What?"

Wilbur made a sound between a growl and a bark. "Quiet, all of you, please. Dream, Malachi, both of you make a good point, but we can't have half the pack killing if the other half doesn't want to attack the police, fights will break out in here, and surely we don't want that."

Dream huffed, just now realizing that his teeth were way too big for his mouth. He pulled back on the transformation and said, "So, how are we going to decide?"

"Draw?" Corpse suggested.

"Nah," Rhoden said, "too simple. That's how we decide everything."

"Then how?" Corpse urged.

"You know," Nebula said, "I'm starving. What about whoever brings back the biggest kill--human or not--wins."

Dream started, "That's the stupidest thi--"

"Fine," Wilbur concluded. "Human or not, bring the biggest kill home in ninety minutes, and your decision is the final decision."


Dream snarled in annoyance as he shoved the body into the bushes. The police wouldn't find it, it was torn into pieces.

But, it was too fucking small.

A young person, around the age of fifteen maybe.

He'd already killed two other teenagers, a buck, and an extremely small bear.

Dream stood up on his hind legs and sniffed, teeth appearing in a grin as he noticed an enormous buck, bigger than anything he had ever seen. But, something else danced in the winds.

Malachi was here.

Before he could turn around and protect what was his, Malachi's weight slammed him into a tree.

Dream shook his head, trying to clear his vision again. His ears were ringing. His head had slammed perfectly into a patch of branches.

The buck was gone, but Dream could still smell it, and he knew Malachi could too.

He bared his teeth. What the hell was that for?

Malachi growled. That buck is mine.

Dream stood up to his full height, placing a clawed hand on the trunks of two trees beside him to steady himself. Does winning this argument matter that much to you?

Another growl. I'm winning, we're going after those policemen, whether you like it or not.

Dream rolled his eyes and huffed. I guess that answers my question. But, I saw the buck first, therefore, I got it. Go find another one.


I saw it first, fair and square. Grow up and get yourself another kill.

Or, you can just admit to the fact that we need to fight back, and you can give me the buck, and all is good, no fight will break out.

Dream narrowed his eyes, a growl slipping through his lips. So you're saying you'll fight me for this buck, that is a good distance away from us because you scared it?

Malachi shrugged his enormous shoulders. I mean, if that's what it takes to get you to give up this buck...

Dream sighed. What has my life become?

And he leaped for the werewolf in front of him.


"You guys seriously fought over a buck?" Ranboo exclaimed, joining the conversation.

Dream crossed his arms over his chest from where he lay on the couch--all bloody and beaten.

Malachi lied on the couch opposite from him, also bloody and beaten. "Look, I wanted the buck. We need to fight back, so I have to win the argument."

"And that includes getting into a huge-ass fight in the forest," Corpse said. "What if officers or somebody else saw you?"

Dream winced as he shrugged his shoulders. "Then they would've gotten one hell of a show."

"And," he continued. "I was thinking on the drive home when you picked us up, Corpse. Maybe Malachi is right, we need to fight back, or else one day, we're going to get in deep shit."

Malachi tilted his head. "So you're agreeing with me?"

"Yep," Dream said.

"That's... surprising," Techno said from where he sat at the island, eating a cold piece of meat. "But alright, I'll send a text in a bit."

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