Chapter Twenty - Four

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George rolled his eyes as Dream trotted back with a stag's antler in his jaws, begging for the brunet to throw it again.

It was strange, maybe even a bit scary, having a werewolf as his boyfriend. But, Dream had asked him to sit with him as a werewolf, and as hours passed on by, George grew more comfortable.

George took the antler from Dream's slobbery mouth and set it down. "Dream, the sun's rising. What if my parents notice I'm gone?"

Dream huffed. He bent down to scoop the antler up in a clawed hand, tossing it at George.

He caught it—barely. "I'm serious."

The werewolf began shrinking and shifting until he stood before George as a boy, looking even prettier with the light of the rising sun. "Would they care? I mean, your mom might, but your dad? I don't think so."

George said, "My dad's at work."

Dream paused.

"Right," he said, slowly. "So then tell me, why the hell is his scent real fuckin' strong? As if he were around here?"

George chewed on his lip. "He may be on patrol today, around my neighborhood."

Dream groaned, closing his eyes tight. "Fuck. The pack's around here, if that patrol spots any of them—"

George cut him off with a quick kiss. "Go and tell 'em then. I'll see if I see him on my way home and talk to him for a bit of a distraction."

Dream smiled and gave George one more sloppy kiss. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He transformed, gaining height and muscle as he stood on his hind legs and howled a song so melancholy. He then disappeared into the trees, leaving George in silence.

George let out a long breath and began heading home—well, the direction he thought was home. It was quite hard to see last night.

When he finally saw the houses between the trees, he began hearing the voices of the police officers as well. But, he wasn't close enough to make out what they were saying, so he innocently began walking closer to the voices, hoping it was his father he bumped into.

It wasn't.

With a rustle of the bushes, an officer--Deputy Walsh--walked through. He looked at George, surprised to see the young boy out in the forest.

"George!" Deputy Walsh exclaimed. "What are you doing out here? It's barely five in the morning."

He shrugged nonchalantly. "I needed to get out, the fresh and early air feels amazing."

Deputy Walsh nodded and said, "I can't blame you there, kid. But, I would suggest heading home now. This area specifically has been said to have the most sightings of whatever is causing all these murders."

George frowned. "Sightings? Have people caught pictures, or said to have seen something?"

Hesitating slightly, the deputy asked, "Am I allowed to be sharing this information with you?"

George shrugged. "I mean, yeah, my dad does, and he's the Deputy Chief, isn't he?"

Deputy Walsh said, "Yeah, that's true... Okay, people have sent in pictures--they're fuzzy--but we haven't been able to really decipher whatever the creature is. It seems to look like a mixture between a bear and wolf, maybe a little human. That's what everyone's saying. And, we're starting to believe that it's not truly an animal."


They would figure this out.

George knew it.

He went on to look for his dad, hoping nothing had gone wrong yet.


Going to school after being out all night was a nightmare. George had fallen asleep in almost every class, contrary to Dream, who kept messing with the sleeping brunet. He'd gotten yelled at by two teachers and slapped about five times by Quackity.

They now all sat along the fence of Sapnap's house, facing the endless forest.

Dream and George had told the other three about their relationship and they were not surprised, causing George to roll his eyes and Dream to bare his teeth.

"So..." Quackity began, drawing out the word with a teasing look, "Dream's like your guard dog, and I'm being serious. I saw it at school."

Dream frowned. "Saw what?"

"You were extra protective of him, I could literally see it. Your arm was wrapped around his shoulders when we were outside for lunch. I saw you bare your stupid teeth when Wilbur and Techno were teasing him," Quackity said.

George laughed. "Even I noticed something."

Dream huffed, but a comment from Sapnap quickly turned it into a growl. The others laughed and George relaxed happily against his boyfriend. These were the times that he wished could last forever.

But that could never happen, not in books, not in real life.

He listened to the soft conversations of his friends, grateful to hear them laughing and teasing each other.

Every so often, the bushes would rustle, or a branch would snap, but Dream reassured them it was a deer or rabbit. Only once had Dream said that it might be a werewolf, but it was apparently a sweet girl named Raine—who wouldn't come to check them out.

The sun had begun setting, yet they were still here, still having enough conversations to keep them going.

George was tired because of the adventure last night, so he curled into Dream's side, breathing in the comforting smell of his cologne and the forest.

He ignored the others' teases as he made himself comfortable. He could feel the glare that his boyfriend gave the others and huffed a laugh at his overprotective-ness.

He'll at least enjoy the comfort of his friends and boyfriend.

He'll enjoy it however long it would last.


okay, so one: literally fuck writer's block 

and two: there's a pretty big easter egg in here about one of my fav series

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